Page 202 - Sociology and You
P. 202

Unit 2 Culture and Social Structures
  Section 1
Primary and Secondary Groups
  Key Terms
• group
• social category
• social aggregate
• primary group
• primary relationships
• secondary group
• secondary relationships
Groups, Categories, and Aggregates
Agroup is composed of people who share several features, including the following.
❖ They are in regular contact with one another.
❖ They share some ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. ❖ They take one another’s behavior into account.
❖ They have one or more interests or goals in common.
Groups play important roles in the lives of their members, as well as in- fluence society around them. Groups range from the small and informal to the large and formal. They tend to draw lines around themselves, creating insiders and outsiders. Some groups have tighter, more definite boundaries than others. Boundaries between African Americans and whites in the South of the early 1960s were rigid. Members of the minority were unable to drink from the same water fountains, use the same rest rooms, or eat at the same restaurants as whites. Group boundaries may change over time, however. Since the 1960s, boundaries between African Americans and whites in the United States are much looser.
 Groups are classified by how they develop and function. Primary groups meet emotional and support needs, while secondary groups are task focused.
at least two people who have one or more goals in common and share common ways of thinking and behaving
  Compare these Korean choir members with the Denver concert goers. Explain why one is a group and the other is not.

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