Page 276 - Sociology and You
P. 276

246 Unit 3 Social Inequality
 Jesse Jackson has channeled his intense interest in civil rights into the exercise of power on behalf of the poor and disadvantaged.
  Finally, we can overcome a lack of wealth if we have large numbers of people on our side or if we are skillful at organizing our resources. Hitler, for example, was able to turn the problem of limited resources into a mass po- litical movement. He gained absolute power by promising to deliver Germany from economic hardship following World War I.
The Prestige Dimension
A third dimension of social stratification is prestige—recognition, respect, and admiration attached to social positions. Prestige is defined by your cul- ture and society. Honor, admiration, respect, and deference are extended to dons within the Mafia, for example; but outside their own circles Mafia chiefs do not have high prestige.
recognition, respect, and admiration attached to social positions
  Popular actors such as Julia Roberts and Will Smith have considerable wealth. Their prestige rating is stronger in some circles than others, however.

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