Page 346 - Sociology and You
P. 346

Unit 3 Social Inequality
  Section 2
Theoretical Perspectives on Gender
Key Term
• gender socialization
Functionalism and Gender
Functionalists argue that any pattern of behavior that does not benefit society
will become unimportant. Ac- cording to functionalism, the division of responsibilities be- tween males and females sur- vived because it benefited human living. Early humans found that the division of labor based on sex was efficient. In part because of their size and muscular strength, men hunted and protected. In addition, men were assigned these dan- gerous tasks because they were more expendable than women. One male was enough to en- sure that the group’s chances of surviving through reproduc- tion; one woman was not. Thus, it hurt the group’s chances of survival less to lose a man.
Today, functionalists recog- nize that the traditional division of labor has created problems, or dysfunctions, for modern society. These dysfunctions are examined later, in the discus- sion on gender inequality.
 The functionalist perspec- tive focuses on the ori- gins of gender differences. Conflict theory looks at the reasons gender differences continue to exist. Symbolic interactionism attempts to explain the ways in which gender is acquired.
 This family is structured along traditional gender roles. How would the functionalist interpret this arrangement?
Conflict Theory and Gender
According to conflict theory, it is to the advantage of men to prevent women from gaining access to political, economic, and social resources. If men can prevent women from developing their potential, they can maintain

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