Page 350 - Sociology and You
P. 350

Unit 3 Social Inequality
  These active girls do not fit the stereotypical image of male football player/female cheerleader.
“Women who seek to be equal to men lack ambition.
automobile bumper sticker
How do peers contribute to gender socialization? Adolescents want to be liked, so acceptance or rejection by peers greatly influences their self- concepts. Teens who most closely mirror traditional gender roles, such as male football players and female cheerleaders, are generally given the greatest re- spect, whereas “feminine” boys and “masculine” girls are assigned low status. This peer group pressure encourages teenagers to try to conform to idealized role models. To do otherwise is to risk rejection and a significant loss of self- esteem (Erikson, 1964, 1982; Adler and Adler, 1998).
Section 2 Assessment
1. Why do functionalists believe that gender differences have survived? 2. How do symbolic interactionists explain gender roles?
3. How do teachers and peers influence the development of gender
Critical Thinking
4. AnalyzingInformation Ofthemajorfactorsinfluencinggender identity, which do you think has had the most effect on your development? Explain.

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