Page 365 - Sociology and You
P. 365

Chapter 10 Inequalities of Gender and Age 335
Ageism has had many negative effects on these older people. Without a meaningful work identity, the once-proud leaders have no sense of place in the community. Alcoholism, diminished self-esteem, and de- pression are widely seen among those over age fifty. Many are single, widows or widowers, without family or friends to take care of them. Scheper-Hughes writes, “The Irish village of the west coast today em- bodies a broken culture; a state of affairs most detrimental to the aged who are unable to flee or accept new values, and who, consequently, are left to contemplate the wreckage” (Scheper-Hughes, 1983:145).
As “progress” comes to both city and country, many of the local elderly population find their skills are not needed and that they have no role to play in the life of the community.
Working with the Research
1. Which research methods are best suited to a study like this? Explain.
2. Which theoretical perspective do you think contributes most to how we can understand what happened in this village?

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