Page 378 - Sociology and You
P. 378

Unit 4 Social Institutions
  Section 1
Family and Marriage Across Cultures
Defining the Family
If asked to identify a family, most of us would say we know one when we see one. We are surrounded by families wherever we go, and most of us live in family settings. However, families come in all shapes and sizes,
and defining the term family is sometimes difficult. Legally, the word family is used to describe many relationships: parents and children; people related by blood, marriage, or adoption; a group of people living together in a single household, sharing living space and housekeeping. Since the word family
If asked to describe this image, the first thought of most people would be that of a happy family.
Key Terms
 • family
• marriage
• nuclear family
• extended family
• patrilineal
• matrilineal
• bilateral
• patriarchy
• matriarchy
• equalitarian
• patrilocal
• matrilocal
• neolocal
• monogamy
• polygamy
• polygyny
• polyandry
• exogamy
• incest taboo
• endogamy
• homogamy
• heterogamy
 In all societies, the family has been the most impor- tant of all social institutions.
It produces new generations, socializes the young, pro- vides care and affection, reg- ulates sexual behavior, transmits social status, and provides economic support.

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