Page 383 - Sociology and You
P. 383

 World View
Chapter 11 The Family 353 Types of Marriages
Monogamy—the marriage of one man and one woman—is the only legal form of marriage in all in- dustrial and postindustrial societies. It is also the only form of marriage allowed by law in the Western Hemisphere. However, in many African and southern Asian nations, where Islam is the predominant reli- gion, polygyny—the marriage of one man to two or more women at the same time—is legal. This map shows the countries where monogamy and polygyny are legal forms of marriage.
World View
            North America
South America
Marital Form
  Law permits monogamy or polygyny Law permits only monogamy
 Interpreting the Map
1. Suggest one or more reasons for the widespread presence of polygyny in Africa, Southwest Asia (the Middle East), India, and Southeast Asia.
2. Why do you think the caption explains that the map shows only the countries where polygyny and monogamy are legal forms of marriage?
    Choosing a Mate
Suppose you came home from school one afternoon and your parents asked you to come into the living room to meet your future husband or wife. You might wonder if you had somehow been beamed to another planet. Similarly, you will probably never enroll in a college course entitled “Negotiating Dowries with Prospective In-laws,” this being a skill not much in demand today. If, how- ever, you assume that you have complete freedom of choice in the selection of a marriage partner, you are mistaken. All cultures and societies, including the United States, have norms and laws about who may marry whom.

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