Page 417 - Sociology and You
P. 417

    U S I N G
 Your Sociological Imagination
Columnist Ann Landers published this letter from a teacher about the hid- den realities of teaching in America.
Let me see if I have this right. . . . I am also to instill a sense of pride in their ethnicity, modify disruptive behavior and observe them for signs of abuse.
I am to fight the war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, check their backpacks for guns and knives, and raise their self-esteem. I am to teach them patriotism, good citizen- ship, sportsmanship and fair play . . . I am to . . . maintain a safe environment, write letters of recommendation for stu- dent employment and scholarships, en- courage respect for the cultural diversity of others, always making sure I give the girls in my class 50% of my attention.
I am required to work . . . toward additional certification and a master’s degree, to sponsor the cheerleaders or the sophomore class (my choice); and after school, I am to attend committee and faculty meetings. . . .
I am to be a paragon of virtue, such that my presence will awe my students into being obedient and re- spectful of authority. I am to do all of this with just a piece of chalk, a bul- letin board and a few books (some of which I may have to purchase myself). And for doing this, I am to be paid a starting salary that, in some states, qualifies my family for food stamps.
Is that all?
(Excerpted from “A Lesson on the Realities of Teaching,” The Los Angeles Times, January 28, 2000).
1. Development and Structure of Education
2. Functionalist Perspective 3. Conflict Perspective
4. Symbolic Interactionism
Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you will be able to
❖ discuss schools as bureaucracies.
❖ outline the basic functions of education.
❖ evaluate the merit-based nature of public education.
❖ describe the ways in which schools so- cialize students.
         ❖ discuss educational inequality.
Chapter Overview
Visit the Sociology and You Web site at and click on Chapter 12— Chapter Overviews to preview chapter information.

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