Page 48 - Sociology and You
P. 48

Unit 1 Sociological Perspectives
that emphasizes the use of knowledge, reason, and planning. It marked a change from the tradition, emotion, and superstition of preindustrial society. For example, agriculture became grounded in science rather than belief in luck, fate, or magic. In stressing rationality and objectivity, Weber pioneered research techniques that helped prevent personal biases from unduly affecting the results of sociological investigations.
Sociology in America
Although the early development of sociology occurred in Europe, the great- est development of sociology has taken place in the United States. Because sociology has become a science largely through the efforts of American sociol- ogists, it is not surprising that the majority of all sociologists are from the United States. Sociological writings in English are used by sociologists throughout the world, reflecting the global influence of American sociologists.
In 1892, the first department of sociology was established at the University of Chicago. From its founding up to World War II, the sociology department at the University of Chicago stood at the forefront of American sociology. After World War II, sociology departments at eastern universities such as Harvard and Columbia, midwestern universities such as Wisconsin and Michigan, and western universities such as Stanford and the University of California at Berkeley emerged as leaders.
In later chapters we will be studying the works of major American soci- ologists. Two early contributors, however, who are often left out of the his- tory of American sociology are Jane Addams and W.E.B. DuBois. Although
Everyone manages his or her behavior to create a desired impression. What face have you put on today?
 “What is not good for the hive is not good for the bee.
Marcus Aurelius Roman emperor

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