Page 486 - Sociology and You
P. 486

456 Unit 4 Social Institutions
     59% 56%
55% 49%
51% 45%
50% 41%
48% 44%
1995 1997
                    In general, workplace policies are administered fairly.
The company fills jobs with the most-qualified candidates.
In general, promotions are fair.
Overall, the company considers my interests.
Top performers receive more pay.
 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Percent Agreeing
Figure 13.8 Evidence of Declining Trust In Management. According to this graph, employee trust in management declined between 1995 and 1997. Are any of these factors affecting trust more important to you than others?
Source: Towers Perrin Workplace Index (Boston, MA), 1998.
 This unhappy worker has been caught in a corporate downsizing. What negative effects is this experience likely to have on him?
operations overseas and by replacing full-time employees with part-time workers hired to do a limited amount of work for a specified time period.
Contingent employment is a cost-cutting device. Unlike full-time employ- ees, contingent workers receive lower pay and are not entitled to expensive benefits such as vacation time, health insurance, and retirement benefits.
Does downsizing and contingent employment have a downside?
According to Robert Reich, former secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor, downsizing and contingent employment will create greater polarization be- tween those who control capital and those who do not. Some critics believe
the “disposable” workforce is the most important trend in business today. They contend that it is fundamentally changing the relationship be-
tween Americans and their employers.
A survey of 2,500 employees across the United States confirms
that employees’ attitudes toward their employers are changing. Although employees express high job satisfaction, their trust in management appears to be eroding. Workers seem to be losing
some faith in management’s commitment to them. (See Figure 13.8.) Trust and loyalty are difficult to maintain when employees do not believe company policies treat them fairly. As time passes, additional research will help to focus attention on the full effects of corporate downsizing and con-
tingent employment.
Section 5 Assessment
1. Why have white-collar jobs increased faster than jobs in other sectors of the workforce since the 1930s?
2. What are some immediate benefits of downsizing? Some long-term drawbacks?
Critical Thinking
3. Drawing Conclusions Would you like to spend your work life as a contingent employee? Why or why not?

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