Page 519 - Sociology and You
P. 519

Section 1: Religion and Sociology
Main Idea: Religion is concerned with sacred
things. Sociologists studying religion face some unique problems. They do not judge the validity of various religions but rather look at those as- pects of religion that can be measured and ob- served in society.
Section 2: Theoretical Perspectives
Main Idea: Religion has several functions. It le- gitimates the structure of society, promotes social unity, and provides a sense of meaning and be- longing. Marx argued that religion is used to jus- tify and maintain the group in power. Weber believed that religion could promote social change. He connected the Protestant ethic and the rise of capitalism.
Section 3: Religious Organization and
Main Idea: The major forms of religious organi- zation are churches, denominations, sects, and cults. Religiosity—the ways people express their religious interests and convictions—can be ana- lyzed in terms of five dimensions: belief, ritual, in- tellect, experience, and consequences.
Section 4: Religion in the United States
Main Idea: Through the process of secularization, the sacred and the
profane tend to be-
come intermixed.
Reviewing Vocabulary
Complete each sentence using each term once.
  a. religion h. b. sacred i. c. profane j. d. legitimate k. e. spirit of capitalism l. f. Protestant ethic m. g. church
denomination sect
religiosity secularization fundamentalism
is the word used to describe things and ideas that are set apart and given a
 special meaning.
2. A religious movement based on the desire to
adhere closely to traditional beliefs, rituals, and doctrines is called   .
3. The
pects of life.
are the nonsacred as-
is the name given to a cluster of values, norms, beliefs, and attitudes that fa-
       Religious faiths can be analyzed by major social charac- teristics such as class and political tendencies.
Self-Check Quiz
Visit the Sociology and You Web site at and click on Chapter 14—Self- Check Quizzes to prepare for the chapter test.
vored the growth of capitalism.
5. means to justify or give offi-
cial approval to.
6. A religious organization arising out of a desire
to reform another religious organization is
called .
7. is the obligation to reinvest
money rather than spending it.
8. is the name given to a life-
encompassing religious organization to which
all members of a society belong.
9. A unified system of beliefs and practices con-
cerned with sacred things is called .
10. The ways in which people express their reli- gious interests and convictions is called
11. A   is a religious organization
whose characteristics are not drawn from ex-
isting religious tradition within a society.
12. The process through which the sacred loses influence over society is known as

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