Page 534 - Sociology and You
P. 534

504 Unit 4 Social Institutions Figure 15.1 Sport Paradoxes
Stanley Eitzen, a highly respected sport sociologist, argues that sport is inherently contradictory (Eitzen, 1999). Here are a few of the paradoxes Eitzen identifies. Do you agree with Eitzen that these paradoxes exist?
Fair Play
• Sport promotes fair play by teaching the importance of following the rules but
• sport’s emphasis on winning tempts people to cheat.
• Sport contributes to higher education through scholarships and fund raising but
• sport takes money away from academics and emphasizes athletic performance over learning and graduation.
Source: D. Stanley Eitzen, Fair and Foul (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 1999), pp. 4–7.
How do functionalists view the role of sport in society? Functionalists think sport is important primarily because it helps society work more smoothly. It does this by performing the following functions (Eitzen and Sage, 1997).
❖ Sport teaches basic beliefs, norms, and values. Sport readies us for adult roles. Games, for instance, prepare participating athletes for work in organizations. Young people who are exposed to competitive sport become more achievement motivated than those who are not. And the earlier the exposure occurs, the higher the orientation towards achievement. This is important because achievement-motivation is essential to productivity in the modern economy.
❖ Sport promotes a sense of social identification. A team binds people to their community and nation. Clevelanders are united in their love of the Browns, Indians, and Cavaliers. Around midcentury, the United States at times seemed to be divided into Dodger and Yankee fans. The Atlanta Braves are trying to be “America’s team.” Higher social integration results.
      Social Integration
• Sport can unite different social classes and racial/ethnic groups but
• sport can heighten barriers that separate groups.
Physical Fitness
• Sport promotes muscle strength, weight control, endurance, and coordination but
• sport can lead to the use of steroids and other drugs, excessive weight loss or gain, and injuries.
 Social Mobility
• Sport allows athletes who might otherwise not attend college to obtain an education but
• only a few can achieve the promise of fame and wealth in the professional ranks.

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