Page 562 - Sociology and You
P. 562

532 Unit 5 Social Change
        Percentage of Population Under 18
Many high school students feel that as members of society they are not given enough respect by society. One rea- son could be that there are too few people in this age bracket to influ- ence policy makers. This map shows the percentage of each state’s popula- tion aged eighteen years of age.
Interpreting the Map
District of Columbia
Percentage of Population Under 18
29% or more 28%–28.9% 26%–27.9% 24%–25.9% 23%–23.9% < 23%
     1. Which states have the smallest concentrations of young people? Can you explain why?
2. From this map, can you make any generalization about the American population? What additional
information would help you to further describe the age structure of the U.S. population? Get that information for your state.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2001.
    total fertility rate
average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime
aged fifteen to forty-four. The rate that is easiest to use is the total fertility rate, or the average number of children born to a woman during her life- time. Currently, total fertility rates in the world range from 5.2 in Africa to 1.4 in Europe.
What other factors influence birth rate? The birth rate of a popula- tion is influenced by both health and social factors. For example, widespread disease (especially rubella, or German measles) causes the birth rate to de- cline because many pregnancies end in miscarriages. Social factors affecting the birth rate include the average age at marriage, the level of economic de- velopment, the availability and use of contraceptives and abortion, the num- ber of women in the labor force, the educational status of women, and social attitudes toward reproduction.
The U.S. birth rate in recent years has shown a steady decline. More cou- ples today consider two children—or even one child—a desirable number. Work patterns have affected the birth rate as well. More American women today are postponing having children until their late twenties and early thir- ties. As a result, women are having fewer children.

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