Page 601 - Sociology and You
P. 601

Chapter 17 Social Change and Collective Behavior 571
 Before it is widely accepted, a borrowed element must harmonize with the group culture. In spite of the fact that unisex fashion is popular in America today, wearing a Scottish kilt on the job could get a construction worker laughed off the top of a skyscraper. Wearing kilts still clashes with the American definition of manhood. If skirts are ever to become as accept- able for American men as pants are for women, either their form will have to be modified or the cultural concept of masculinity will have to change.
Diffusion may involve using only part of a borrowed characteristic or trait. The Japanese, for example, accept capitalism but resist the American form of democratic government, style of conducting business, and family structure. Diffusion almost always involves picking and choosing.
In modern society, most aspects of culture are borrowed rather than cre- ated. The processes of discovery and invention are important, but usually far more elements enter a society through cultural diffusion.
Besides the three processes for social change, sociologists have identified some major forces that lead to change. Technology includes knowledge and hardware (tools) that are used to achieve practical goals. The appearance of new technology is generally a sign that social change will soon follow (MacKenzie and Wajcman, 1998).
How important is technology to social change? Technology is a prime promoter of social change. Time magazine’s selection of Albert Einstein as the person of the century reflected the magazine’s conclusion that the twentieth century will be remembered most for its advances in science and technology (Golden, 1999).
The creation of the silicon chip, which led to the computer revolution, has brought about technological change at an astounding rate. It took more than a century for telephones to spread to 94 percent of the homes
By which social process did this image of Elvis reach Jerusalem, Israel?
knowledge and tools used to achieve practical goals

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