Page 621 - Sociology and You
P. 621

  Section 4
Chapter 17 Social Change and Collective Behavior 591 Social Movements
 Key Terms
• social movement
• revolutionary movement
• reformative movement
• redemptive movement
• • •
alternative movement value-added theory resource mobilization
 The Nature of Social Movements
The social movement is the most highly structured, rational, and en- during form of collective behavior. Several defining elements charac- terize social movements.
❖ a large number of people
❖ a common goal to
promote or prevent social
❖ structured organization
with commonly
recognized leaders
❖ activity sustained over a
relatively long time period
Examples of past and present social movements include the American Revolution, abolition- ism, the suffragette movement, the pro-life and pro-choice movements, and the environ- mental movement.
Most social movements are started to stimulate change. As the definition indicates, how- ever, a social movement may instead oppose change. Con- servative political and funda- mentalist religious organizations for example, are engaged in a concerted effort to oppose abortion (Tax, 1999). The National Rifle Association has focused its resources and mem- bership on blocking certain gun control legislation (Walsh and Suro, 1999).
“Listen–just take one of our brochures and see what we’re all about . . . In the meantime, you may wish to ask yourself, ‘Am I a happy cow?’”
A very human need to belong is a prime motivator for joining social movements. What other motivations might be responsible for causing a person to join a social movement?
 Social movements are more permanent and more organized than other types of collectivities. Theories to explain how social movements develop include value-added theory and resource mobilization theory.
    social movement
movement whose goal is to promote or prevent social change; the most structured and rational form of collective behavior

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