Page 73 - Sociology and You
P. 73

Chapter 2 Sociologists Doing Research 43
Every ten years the Constitution of the United States requires a count of the nation’s population. The Census Bureau uses survey research techniques to create this statistical picture. Why do you think the Census Bureau asked Congress to authorize the use of sampling techniques?
Figure 2.4 Focus on Theoretical Perspectives
Investigating School Violence and School Funding. This table illustrates the research method a sociolo- gist of a particular theoretical persuasion would most likely choose to investigate school violence and school funding. Any of the three sociologists, of course, could use any of the three research methods.
   Theoretical Perspective
Conflict Theory
Research Method
Case Study
Approach to the Research Question
A particular high school with low funding is studied with respect to a relationship between school violence and school funding. Researchers interview administrators, teachers, and students.
  Functionalism Survey A questionnaire on violence in high schools is sent to a national, random sample of principals. The survey examines
a possible relationship between incidence of school violence and level of school funding.
 Symbolic Participant Concealing her identity, a researcher takes a temporary job Interactionism Observation at a high school with low funding. She attempts to observe
covertly a possible link between school violence and school funding.

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