Page 93 - Sociology and You
P. 93

Section 1: Research Methods
Main Idea: When sociologists do quantitative re-
search, they generally use either surveys or pre- collected data. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Qualitative research uses descrip- tive rather than numerical data. Field studies are best used when interaction needs to be observed in a natural setting and when in-depth analysis is needed. The case study is the most popular ap- proach to field research.
Section 2: Causation In Science
Main Idea: Causation in science is the idea that one event leads to another event. Scientists as- sume that all events have causes, or determinants. Sociologists work to discover these causes. Three standards must be met before causation can be proved.
Section 3: Procedures and Ethics In Research
Main Idea: The research process is made up of several distinct steps. These steps represent an ideal for scientific research. It is not always nec- essary or even possible that they always be strictly followed. Researchers have an ethical obligation to protect participants’ privacy and to avoid de- ceiving or harming them. Preserving the rights of subjects must sometimes be weighed against the value of the knowledge to be gained.
Self-Check Quiz
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Reviewing Vocabulary
Complete each sentence using each term once.
  a. causation
b. code of ethics
c. correlation
d. dependent variable e. field research
f. independent
g. multiple causation
h. qualitative variable i. quantitative
j. representative
k. scientific method l. secondary analysis
1. A variable that can be measured and given a numerical value is called a   .
2. states that an event occurs as a result of several factors working in combination.
3. The use of existing information as a method of collecting data best describes .
4. A random sample that accurately reflects the whole population is called   .
5. The   is a research principle that is concerned with achieving the greatest possi- ble benefit with the last possible harm.
6. The idea that events occur in predictable ways, with one event leading to another, is called
7. is a measure of how things are
related to one another.
8. is a variable identified by
membership in a category.
9. The steps that include identifying a problem, re-
viewing the literature, and collecting data are
part of the .
10. is used to investigate aspects
of social life that cannot be measured quantita- tively and are best understood in a natural setting.
11. is a variable in which change has occurred.
12. A variable that causes something to occur is called .

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