Page 4 - Cranbrook Care_StaffNewsletter_Summer 2016
P. 4


                                                              2017 is the
                                                              year of health
                                                              and wellness
                                                              for Cranbrook
                                                              Care Staff!

Cranbrook Social Club

The bodies we make now are the bodies we are using for        2. Weigh in. This will be in the staff room every Friday.
the next 40 years! Let’s be proactive and supportive of each      If you don’t work on a Friday, please liaise with your
other and have some fun along the way to a healthy and            team captain about other options.
fabulous 2017. Starting off with a Biggest Loser Challenge!
We will also be holding a six week step challenge, where          Weight loss will be scored based on the percentage of
I know William Cape Gardens will be ready to keep the             body weight lost rather than on the number of kilos.
crown, but Bella Vista Gardens are hot on their heels!
                                                              3. You will be losing weight as a team and also
There will be regular information on the Social Club              recorded as an individual. The overall biggest
notice boards, so please keep a look out for these.               losing team will each receive a $50 Westfield
                                                                  Voucher. The biggest loser will receive $500!
Biggest Loser Challenge.
                                                              4. Attendance – You must weigh in each week for
Those that are interested, form a team between 2 to               12 weeks. If you miss a week your team will be
20 staff members. Even if you don’t need to lose a few            penalised 1 kilo.
extra kilos we want you in the team! Did you know that
organised weight loss groups have a higher rate               5. Support – Cranbrook Care will be providing
of success than individuals?                                      assistance with tips and tricks, recipes and for those
                                                                  interested offering discounted prices on personal
The rules and how it will work                                    training groups. Please support each other. Get
                                                                  walking groups together, maybe do a yoga session,
1. Form your team! You need a team captain, preferably            whatever works for your team.
    someone that doesn’t need to lose much weight
    (if any) to be the main motivator and keeper of the       People who are already at a healthy weight should not
    scales. Your actual weight will be kept private. Only     take part in a Biggest Loser contest. However they can
    the team captain will know.                               be part of the support group. A prize for the most
                                                              supportive ‘non-contestant’ is $250!

                                                              Register your interest for the Biggest Loser with your
                                                              Social Club Member.
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