Page 7 - Pieces of Victory - Add - FlipBuilder.pdf
P. 7

 curb my temper and the impulse to slam my fist through the drywall in his office. I contain my emotions, analytically weighing out the consequences. I do not want to succumb to the barbaric reaction they are expecting from this troublesome child.
Ms. Arizona lures me in by holding her arms out and speaking with an an- gelic voice, “Come with me, I’ll get you situated and show you where everything is. You are going to love it here!” She smiles displaying her perfectly straight teeth as if she were on some sort of commercial trying to convince me to buy the leading brand of toothpaste.
I follow Ms. Arizona and Josella--a staff member at the hellhole--as we pass a kitchen. I observe the lengthy formica cafeteria-like countertop. I inhale the smells of foreign flavors and breathe out with utter disgust, their toxins filled with wrong- ful judgements. I am lead to a girl’s bathroom that is equipped with showers. The yelling of both staff members alarms me, and the once angel-like voice dissipates as the wicked one creeps to the forefront. “Get into the shower, now!” Ms. Arizona shouts while they both rummage through my personal belongings.
What are they looking for? Drugs?
They hand me some medicine to kill lice and tell me to wash my hair with it.
I don’t have lice so why the shampoo? Why don’t they inspect me?
They leave, finally giving me some privacy, but only for a short time.
Before they walk out the door, I get another message, “Your mother bought you a dress and some underwear.”
Wow, she never did that when I was living with her. Now that I’m locked up in prison, she splurges and treats me like a Princess? I have a cigarette burn on my favorite dress. My father found this treasure in the trash on one of his routes. I would compliment
my outfit with shoes that were not my size. The burn on my favorite dress was over- looked. I focused on the way it fit my form, the metal beads it had, and the way Drake looked at me when I wore it. It’s unfortunate to have to throw such a nice dress in
the trash because of one lousy cigarette burn!

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