Page 141 - Microsoft Word - The Future of Learning April 2017.docx
P. 141

Learning Process Element
Associated Competencies
Innovation: Coming up with a totally new idea, concept or concept framework that may or may not be entirely related to the original idea (pets learning to skateboard). This approach is referred to as ‘lateral thinking’ and requires creativity, our ability to draw on existing knowledge, ideas, concepts and other concept frameworks. Questioning and collaborative discussion can create completely new ideas and concepts, such as, “Could we use remote-controlled, GPS-enabled skateboards to move things around in factories?”, “Can we reduce the amount of contact the skateboard wheels have with the surface it is running on?” or “Could we use different shaped wheels?”
• Applying creative processes to develop lateral solutions to questions and problems
• Applying integrity, which comes from being self-aware
• Communicating knowledge, ideas, concepts and emotions with clarity
• Having the difficult conversations with those we care about and work with
• Connecting knowledge, ideas and concepts via being in a non-conscious state of mind (daydreaming).
Ingenuity: We can take this innovative idea, concept or concept framework and pursue it to create a new product, system, environment or media. This process defines ingenuity. Designing and building square wheels that would have less contact with the ground seems improbable, but what if that were possible? What would that look like? Someone thought that it was worth pursuing and here is the result: MbCeFOFPH_c
• Creatively remixing knowledge, ideas and concepts to become innovative and ingenious
• A rich media vocabulary that creates the potential for precise and effective communication
• Clarity of purpose that defines the most effective media combination to display the learner’s understanding.
Whenever I hear the phrase “creative industries” I’m always surprised. I ask myself, are
there any uncreative industries? If so, how do they survive? Why aren’t they in a
museum, next to the dodo? The world is changing at such a blistering pace that
businesses without creativity at their core are doomed.163 Tham Khai Meng
163 Meng , T. K. (2016, May 18). Everyone is born creative, but it is educated out of us at School. The Guardian. Retrieved from

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