Page 210 - Microsoft Word - The Future of Learning April 2017.docx
P. 210

The purpose of this Global Curriculum Project is to embed a learning culture that will ensure:
... that the education experience all learners receive, empowers them with the capability to satisfy their innate curiosity via their ability to learn efficiently and effectively, as both learners and educators. To achieve this, learners will need to apply the competencies to successfully apply the Learning Process to make sense of their world. As educator-learners it is our role to initiate and empower this learning journey of our learners so that every generation falls in love with the world they were born into, with its intricacy, beauty and its self-sustaining life support systems. While we are predominantly, and innately, passionate and non-rational, we share our time on this planet with billions of others who are the same as us, but simultaneously, unique.
By leveraging our curiosity and our desire to understand, we, as the dominant species on planet Earth, acknowledge the necessity for mutual respect, along with our responsibility to care for and protect all other species as well as the complex ecosystems that shroud this planet. At the same time, we have the responsibility to innovatively and ingeniously solve the challenges that lie before us, leveraging those opportunities we individually and collectively encounter as a global community, to enhance equity in all aspects of our lives. This is our purpose: to enable each person to satisfy the innate curiosity that is embedded within us all and be amazed by that;
every day!
Hindsight is a magical thing. Of course, in practice it does not exist in so far as we cannot change the past, but we can learn from that past, and apply our new understanding to our current and future situations. Thank goodness hindsight is just magic and that it is not possible to go back and revise the events that we have laboured over, sometimes for years, wondering, “Will this ever end?” What parent did not think that thought as their child cried through the night? This resource has been 12 years in the making and some of you have shared that journey with me, so my thanks for your company along the way, along with your honesty and encouragement.223
223 Image courtesy of Dave Young – ‘Sunrise on the Ice’; location: Poolburn, South Island, New Zealand. 2016.

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