Page 92 - Microsoft Word - The Future of Learning April 2017.docx
P. 92

Each competency is designed around three different sets of processes; 1. Building knowledge, 2. Developing strategies to put that knowledge into practice, and 3. Enabling the competencies to become automated dispositions for each learner. There is no incorrect order for building capacity via the concepts within each of the competency structures, however, it makes sense that the learner would want to build some knowledge and understanding as a foundation before they can build strategies to develop dispositions.
The competency of Identity forms the foundation for being competent. Unless we have a sense of who we are, and the conversations we have with our self, we will struggle with the remaining competencies. Our identity is our passport to knowing self.
Each successive competency draws on the learning that is gained from the previous competencies. As we work down the competency pyramid, the preceding competencies build capacity for the competencies that follow, and therefore, successive competencies take less time to introduce and bed down.
On the following pages are a series of posters, using learner ‘speak’ which can be downloaded and used to display the development of the Learning Process in classrooms. The PDF Posters will scale up without losing quality. There are two sets of posters for junior and senior learners. These can be downloaded from
Ideas help Building Ideas us make sense
of our world
We create ideas when we try and make sense of the patterns we see in nature, in our actions, how things work or in our thinking.
Ideas always involve at least two things that can change (we call these variables), like the weather or our height.
We come up with new ideas all the time because our brain loves finding patterns in the things we see and do.
The Language of Learning
Managing Self
2w. iCthomIDiEngASu!p
Thinking & Questioning
Ideas always involve variables - cthanincghsatnhgaet
1. Building Knowledge
Applied to contexts
(to be understood
Start Here
Thinking & Questioning
The Language of Learning
Managing Self
Concepts (to be understood)
Stage 3
1James Nottingham:The Pit 2CarolDweck: Mindset
Growth Mindset
Connecting & Reflecting
Connecting & Reflecting

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