Page 31 - Brochure
P. 31
h h e e P - e ThePre-Weding Photosesion. e weding.Iliketothinkofitasabreakingtheicetimewhenwefi- nalymetup.Pre-Wedingsareaveryrelaxed,funexperienceand letsyougetcomfortableinfrontofthecamera.Ioftenfindthatcou- pleswhodothesesionarefarmorerelaxedonyourwedingday.The photosesiononlytakesaroundanhourandisdoneatanicelocation. Whatowear? Wearwhatyoufelcomfortablein!Thatdoesn'tmeanturningupin shortsandat-shirtforawinterphotosesion.Dresfortheocasion. Pasteltonesaregreatatanytimeoftheyear.avoidclotheswithwrit- ingonthemandfotbaltopsarrout!.Clothesthatcomplimentbothof youanddon'tmatchtomuchifyouknowwhatImean. T T P r r e e- W W e ed d d d i i n ng gp ph h o ot t o os se es s si i o o n n i is s a ag g r re ea at t w wa a y yt to om m e e e e t tu up pb be ef fo o r re et t h h