Page 22 - PITCH DECK- In the Mouth of the Wolf
P. 22

 thought out􏰀” Jonah brings a wealth of storytelling and performing experience as a designer and puppeteer for the Academy Award􏰁winning animatronics shop Creature Effects􏰀 His performance credits include THE REVENANT􏰂 THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN􏰂 THE LONE RANGER􏰂 TAMMY􏰂 GODLESS􏰂 THE LOVEBIRDS􏰂 and three seasons as Mrs􏰀 Kipling on the Disney series JESSIE􏰀
 experimental opera company The Industry􏰀 Most recently􏰂 James starred in a production of Bernstein’s MASS with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra􏰂 which will air on PBS in 􏰃􏰄􏰃􏰄􏰀

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