Page 6 - PITCH DECK- In the Mouth of the Wolf
P. 6

 IN THE MOUTH OF THE WOLF is a fast􏰀paced tragicomedy set within the cutthroat world of opera􏰁 With the global financial crisis of 􏰂􏰃􏰃􏰄 looming in the backdrop􏰅 our stunningly unique characters face reflections of themselves in each other that cross age􏰅 gender􏰅 and race􏰅 leading them into a tangled romance fitting of our time􏰁 It’s the type of mind􏰀bending coming􏰀of􏰀age tale not seen since the GRADUATE or MIDNIGHT COWBOY􏰅 where youthful exuberance􏰅 existential angst􏰅 and modern􏰀sexual􏰀strange blend into the
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