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September/October 2017

                                                                                           Inside this issue
                  The PURELL SOLUTION™                                                     The PURELL SOLUTION™ .... …..1-3

                   Unlike Any Other Product Launch                                         GOJO Employee Receives
                                                                                           Maurice Holland Award  .... ……..8
                                                                                           GOJO wins 2017
                                                                                           Beautification Award ......... ........5
                                                                                           Game of Work - Green Shift
           By Carey Jaros, Chief Strategy Officer & Vice President and                     Challenge  .......................... ……..5
           Steve Schultz, GOJO North American & International Business President
           and COO                                                                         The GOJO Pickle Jar -
                                                                                           Then & Now  ...................... ……..6
           Thank you to the many GOJO teams whose desire for breakthrough                  GOJO Rallies to Support Those
           innovation, collaboration, and market leadership drove our creation of the      Affected by Hurricane Harvey...12
           PURELL SOLUTION™. On September 12, the expansion of the                         Run - Hide - Fight Training . ……13
           PURELL® brand was launched at the International Sanitary Supply                 Steve Schultz Honored as 2017
           Association (ISSA) Trade Show in Las Vegas.                                     Spirit of Life Honoree by City of
                                                                                           Hope .................................. ……14
           Our journey to expand the PURELL brand began in 2012 as part of a
           greater quest to achieve our Strategic Focus Area #2, which includes the        Sustainable Lighting Option Saves
           expansion of the PURELL brand for sustainable growth and new category           Enterprise over $240,000  .. ……15
           expansion. The PURELL brand was developed nearly 30 years ago as a              PURELL SOLUTION—Because We
           safe and effective way to help stop the spread of germs and, ultimately,        Care .................................... ……16
           prevent illness and save lives. Today, the strength of the PURELL brand
           empowers us to change the game again, entering new product categories
           where we can once again challenge the status quo in formulation and             Special points of interest
           dispensing systems.
                                                                                           Microbiology Awareness
                  “The PURELL brand has become very meaningful to people                   Crossword Puzzle  .............. …....4
                  over the past 30 years,” said Marcella Kanfer Rolnick, GOJO              Ask IT .................................. ……..7
                  Vice Chair. “As the brand of the first-ever hand sanitizer and
                  subsequent formulation advances, PURELL has come to stand                Did You Know…?  ............... ….....9
                  for, not only effective, killing the germs that can make you sick,       Employee Spotlight ............ …...10
                  and not only safe, formulated to our highest sustainable
                  chemistry standards for both humans and the environment, but             Employees on the Move  ... ……11
                  also good for you – it contributes to public health and positive         Goldie and Jerry Lippman
                  perception of the facilities that use PURELL® products.”                 Education Grant Recipients ……14
                  “The launch of the PURELL SOLUTION™ is the culmination of
                  these years of passionate commitment, hard work, and
                  inventiveness. We couldn’t be more proud or excited to introduce
                  the PURELL SOLUTION™ to the world.”

         Continued on pages 2-3.
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