Page 11 - NJ iRead English Learners Brochure
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Program-Based Services
Getting Started
In Getting Started courses, teachers, coaches, and administrators explore and apply program organization, design, and support resources from the perspective of both a student and a teacher.
Follow-Up Courses
When you choose Follow-Up Courses, our Professional Learning Consultants help teachers deepen their understanding of how to implement our rich classroom tools effectively and use data to adjust teaching accordingly.
Coaching, Modeling, and Consulting
Our 1:1 and team coaching, lesson modeling, and consulting services can drive innovation and instructional improvement while equipping teachers with the tools to transform theory into practical classroom practice.
Practice-Based Services from the International Center for Leadership in Education® (ICLE)
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
The ICLE senior consultants work collaboratively with your leadership team to determine where you are now and where you want to go. The result is a Comprehensive Needs Assessment Report that provides the data you need to develop successful programs for your English learners and English speakers.
System-wide Support for English Learners (for Leaders)
Accelerating Academic Achievement for English Learners (for Teachers)
From initial needs assessment and strategic planning to targeted coursework and coaching, the ICLE English learner practice area services follow a progression of learning designed to grow awareness, develop expertise, and support your commitment to ensuring your English learners have access to rigorous learning opportunities.
Coaching for Leaders and Teachers
To augment the knowledge and skills gained during our face-to-face professional learning courses, the ICLE expert consultants provide job-embedded and/or virtual coaching to help educators create sustainable change in their schools while raising the bar on leadership, instruction, and learning.
Data Teams
Our Data Teams model provides a structure for teachers to specifically identify areas of student need and collaboratively decide on the best instructional approach in response to those needs, breaking down the silos of individual practice and creating communities of educators who continuously reflect on and improve their practice.
HMH Family Engagement
Research demonstrates that when families and educators work together, students are more likely to reach their full potential. This is the promise of HMH Family Engagement, the only comprehensive, ready-to- implement program committed to partnering with districts to raise student achievement by engaging and empowering families of English learners and their children.

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