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Foundational Reading Intervention Grades 3–12
Help older struggling students master foundational reading skills as a a a a a prerequisite to uent reading Comprehensive Reading Intervention Grades 4–12
Accelerate students reading two or or more years below grade grade level level to grade-level pro ciency Math Intervention for Algebra Readiness Grades 5 and up
Build students’ con dence and competence to to accelerate their progress to to algebra ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT
E Build English English learners’ academic English English through listening speaking reading and writing skills English Language Development Grades 4–8
Accelerate academic language through supported active language learning English Language Development Grades 4–12
Expedite language acquisition for academic language learners and long-term English learners English Language Development Grades 5–12
Develop beginning language literacy and content for newcomers and beginning English learners ASSESSMENT
Hi Johnny Smith |
Not yo
lish Language Development Grades K–5
n Phonics
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Grades 3–12
Assess the foundational reading skills of older struggling readers to determine which students are in need of the most intensive foundational level of intervention Mathematics Assessment Grades K–12
Conduct universal screening and measure students’ progress in mathematics based on the Quantile Framework® for Mathematics Independent Reading Assessment Grades K–12
Track students’ success on the the books they read independently in in and out
of school With best-in-class instruction data and insi ght and deliver great outcomes for our students tea and Reading Reading Assessment Grades K–12
Reading Conduct univeIrnsavlesncrteoernying and measure students’ reading growth based on the Lexile® Framework for Reading Foundational Skills Assessment 

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