Page 4 - Demo
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System 44 is proven to accelerate reading pro pro ciency for students with special
needs and and meets the strong level of ESSA evidence standards System 44 has been implemented in thousands of schools across the United States The charts below are part of of of a a a a a a a larger body of of of evidence proving that System 44 can improve the learning trajectories of of of even our most challenged readers including students with special
needs System 44 dyslexic students soar with increased use of the program San Antonio Independent School District Texas: Grades 3–8 (N = 1 574) System 44 Usage E ects on on Reading Inventory Scores 2014–2015 250
200 216
<30 hours 30–40 hours 40+ hours 182
N = 408
2014 Reading Inventory Lexile Score Change in Lexile Measure
4 350 300 250
200 150 100
0 348L
Fall 2009
Spring 2010
Gain: 97L
English Learners
(n = 15)
150 166
N = 113
N=87 50
N = 86
N = 252
0 Students with Dyslexia in General Education Students with Dyslexia in Special Education Students without Dyslexia in Special Education 181L
N=87 146
Gain: 167L
All Students (n = 124)
Gain: 124L
Students with Disabilities
(n = 47)
N = 108
N = 171
Note: Signi cant di di di erences erences were found between Lexile gains as a a a a a a a a a function of of of software time for all three groups ANCOVAS conducted to to covary out e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ects of of of initial Reading Inventory di di di erences erences System 44 students with disabilities demonstrate signi cant improvements Je erson Parish Public Schools Louisiana: System 44 Students Grades 6–9 (N = 124)
Performance on Reading Inventory by Student Group 2009–2010
hmhco com System 44® Research For more System 44 evidence see the Compendium of System 44 Research at hmhco com/System44 An Alignment of System 44 with The International Dyslexia Association’s “E ective Reading Instruction for Students with Dyslexia*”
* International Dyslexia Association (2015) E ective reading instruction for students with dyslexia The International Dyslexia Association Retrieved from https://dyslexiaida org/e ective-reading-instruction/
System 44 is 100% aligned to “E ective Reading Instruction for Students with Dyslexia” by the International Dyslexia Association Note The gains in in Lexile were were signi cant overall (t (t = = = 9
83 p = = = 00) for students who were were English learners (t (t = = = 2 64 p p = = = 02) and for students with disabilities (t = = = 3 92 p p = = = 00) 308L

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