Page 29 - iRead EL in Research Paper
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Implement speci c classroom management practices, including e cient data management procedures, to support and foster a di erentiated approach to early reading instruction.
iRead’s Approach
SAM Central is the online compendium of data tools and reports, planning tools, and instructional resources that support the iRead learning program. Over 200 lesson plans, hundreds of interactive, instructional activities, and full range of data- management tools support teachers in carrying out the informed planning and e ective instructional decision making so essential to student reading success.
From SAM Central, HMH’s Learning Management System, teachers can access their data, planning tools, and instructional resources. The home page, with data snapshots, provides high-level views of the class’s overall progress. For more in-depth information, teachers can drill down to specialized reports directly from SAM Central.
To support small-group instruction, SAM Central o ers suggestions for  exible reading groups based on where students are in the program’s scope and sequence. iRead ’s online lessons expand on small-group instructional routines modeled in the Professional Guide and o er instructional routines aimed at speci c learning targets—two weekly lessons for each of the  ve small-group options. Direct links from the Groupinator® provide handy access to select small- group Interactive Learning Tools—including iRead direct instruction videos, images, audio models, and activities— that are tailored to the appropriate skill level for each group. Integrated within the online lesson plans is guidance to teachers on use of the Interactive Learning Tools.
Technology for Adaptive,
Personalized Instruction
SAM Central
“Teaching a group of students with . . . divergent needs [with respect to foundational reading skills] is almost impossible, even
for the best instructors” (Hasselbring, 2012, para. 3). Technology can customize learning by providing adaptive instruction and repetitive practice tailored to each student’s individual needs. More speci cally, iRead makes use of Fluency and Automaticity through Systematic Teaching with Technology (FASTT), an adaptive software algorithm designed to maximize retention of new concepts by facilitating the transfer of new information from working memory to long-term memory.

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