Page 11 - HMH NM Striving Readers
P. 11
Programs and Services for Striving Readers
iRead® Grades K–2
Ensure all children read at grade grade level by third grade grade with systematic foundational reading instruction iRead® is a a a a a a a a a digital foundational reading program that provides prevention intervention and acceleration to close the reading achievement gap Beginning with alphabet knowledge print concepts and phonological awareness iRead progresses towards increasingly complex skills in in in word recognition spelling and uency to ensure all children master the critical foundations of reading The instructional design of of the student software is powered by Dr Ted Hasselbring’s FASTT (Fluency and Automaticity through Systematic Teaching with Technology) algorithm which continuously monitors performance and and customizes the the pacing instructional load and and content for for each child ensuring the the time on task is 100% optimized MODERATE EVIDENCE-BASED RESEARCH
iRead was developed with the expertise of nationally recognized researchers and practitioners in foundational reading leveraging the best thinking and and research in in in in in education cognitive science and and gaming theory to to place all K–2
students on a a a a a a a a a predictable path to to reading by third grade Dr Marilyn Jager Adams led the the development of the the program’s phonics and foundational literacy instruction Dr Ted Hasselbring guided the the development of the the program’s adaptive technology and cognition Research studies for iRead meet the the moderate evidence level as de de de de ned by the the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) To review research papers and impact reports visit www hmhco com/iread ASSESSMENT AND PROGRESS MONITORING
Embedded diagnostic and continuous assessment is one of of of the de de ning features of of of iRead Software- based assessments provide real-time data about children’s skill development and include formative assessments assessments diagnostic assessment assessment assessment progress monitoring and informal assessments assessments Additional resources provide one-on-one opportunities for teachers to observe children’s skill development rsthand and and diagnose areas of di di culty One-on-one assessments include a a a a a a a print concepts survey phonological awareness assessment assessment oral uency assessment assessment spelling inventory reading interest surveys observation checklists and and notes and and student portfolios PROGRAM COMPONENTS
The iRead program includes the following components:
Student Materials • iRead Screener
• iRead Student Application • iRead Family Portal
Teacher Materials • HMH Teacher CentralTM
• Professional Guide • Data and Analytics
• Interactive Learning Tools
• Targeted Lessons for Di erentiation • Downloadable Assessments
• Resources
for Learning Centers
• eBook downloadables for guided and independent practice • Family Letters
iRead Books! Libraries
iRead Books! is organized into three
levels which may be used by children in Grades K–2
according to their reading abilities Each level includes:
• 180 books (30 titles 6 copies each) • Teaching Resources
Book • Close Reading Instructional Cards (one per title)
• Classroom Poster • Book storage bins
Professional Learning Opportunities
• Teacher In-Person Training
• Webinars
• Individual and Team Coaching
Retold by SoniaGrowth
practice during a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a literacy blo Use Success eBook Downloadables to:
• • Ask and and and answer questions to to to build and and and deepen understanding iRead Software • Te tilmateiosn s s s s s Th ere a r e • St w u nolmoap
re e e e y K iRead Software Exploring the Success eBooks iRead is designed to signi ca UseSuccuesestehBeoopkriDnotwabnloeavdearbsleiosntos:forteacher-ledinstructionandstudentpractice the the the the adaptive personalized software and and and and the the the the digital teaching tools to to to to provide e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ective instruction instruction and and and and n y e e nsi t Ep
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GroupinatorTM Simone Moore One Two Buckle My Shoe
10:36 AM Professional Guide Guide A Guide Guide for Planning and Teaching Foundational Reading Skills
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Get familiar with the the Success eBooks children read on the the Software and use the d stu ecr-elesd
co n n n k a Get familiar with the the the Success eBooks children read on the the the Software and and PRINT SUCCESS eBOOKS
• • Guide cPhiRldIreNnTtoSreUreCaCdEteSxSts emBulOtipOleKtimSes • Reinforce phonological awareness skills such as rhyme with connected text c c k o o o o r r r a a a a t t t a a a a n n n y t t i i hips • Reinforce phonological awareness skills such as rhyme with connected text text • Ask and and and and answer questions to build and and and and deepen understanding • • • Write us•inTgeaecvhideanccaedefrmoimc vteoxctasb ulary and and and and explore word relationships • Write using evidence from texts l ne s i vo f f o o l l i i nt e s r a o o t t uf
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•Rata-Pata-Scata-Fata: 2 Complete downloadPAahCiblalislriebGbeberasonhoaStkotorry by •Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper
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Series 2 Nursery Rhyme
Max Baines
Allan Rodriguez Alexa Cruz Nelson McGarrah
bIlylusJtaramtesd BbuyrkKsevin Keele
•How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten? by Jane Yolen
•Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs by Ian Whybrow
• p p p p p 3: Where does tUChlsaesrsnsSatmoetretysin>saPkaseswpolradcs e? Use details toTaenxiapSltarins how you know (The story takes place inOsffildine Aassmesusmsenutsm Accept all answers that demonstrate the use of illustrations includSintugdetnhteDicgiotavlePro r)tfolio
• • p p p 6:WhoisthefriSecnrede?ne(rTShetetindgisnosauristhefriend )• KLeinvdeelrAgacrotrernelsataensdtaords Sthtiusdseenrtiepslacedpast • • p p p p p 9: Why did the the dinosaur pick up Ben? (The dinosa•uGLeravpdeeliBc1 skctoearnrdedlaurtdeps tBo en en en so he he he he coIvnuPitlaidacleSmcerenetner
t t v TM
Shake the Bananas Down e e de n n nt p rac tic e • • K–2
Literacy Block—iRe
centers small-group di erentiated instruction instruction and whole-class instruction instruction • Accessible Anytime/Anywhere—iRead is a a a a a a web-based program that gives children 24/7 access to the software a d t o –2
classroom and can be used during learning t t s s e e e e e a a m m l s s s s focrcm
t si o n e a B l oteo
l There are two downloadable versions of every Success eBook available on on on SAM Central:
1 Downloadable book for written response
1 Downloadable book for written response
Teaching With Success eBooks y i Series 1 Poetry
and Data n a xkt a a v n o eBook SummPaU rR
P H e e M or s s o en y OSE
Welcome Kimberly Gomez
y Settings
Log Out
m e Look out for falling fruit! This classic calypso song is is retold and illustrated The members of twoMfaomniliteosrwcohrkilhdared nW’shpenroagll rtheesirswtohrrkoisudgohneth iet’sitRimeeatdo Instructional enjoy the the fruits oSf othfetiwr labreor against gKraGdoe-mleevezl bieRnecahmd aGrkrsa de 1 u“D because it is a a a work da y .
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“Can you help me climb up the tall tree?”)
L L L 5 3 C C IWB
Eric Michaels Christina Guitierrez ChandraWBilrlinigtsilyng
22 3 6 26 4 27 1 27 4 28 1 TM
N A lans P O y W
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Power Words
bright Family Report shakeEnglish
reward for their work By James Burks
eBook Summar
y dinosaur 138
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e Al Downloadables 33 2 10:36 AM34 1 1 34 1 34 2 R l l Le ns Interactive Learning Tools
S sso A A A A trip to to to to a a a a a a a a natural history museum adds a a a a a a a a unique twLiosuitsatoGlatshs is is classic nursery rhyme Children wMilAl NcAoGuEnCtLfAroSSm 1 1 to to to to 10
with the helpFeronafntdho eMamrtinuezseum’s oldest resident—a giant dCinlaossParuofril e e e e e e e e Tanisha Karlin
Roster & Enrollment
Read-Aloud QuSetusdetnit oPrnofisles Serena Miller
36 2 38
5 39 1 Abovegradelevel
OBenlogwragdrealdeevelelvel Far below grade level get into the treehouse ) IWB
Use a a a Concept Map (iRead Downloadables) to record things that are straight
Power Words
• Level C correlates to Grade 2 standards
End-of-Year Benchmark Mid-Year-Benchmark (Topic 27 - 29)
iRead Professional Guide 83 12:24 PM
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10:49 AM Comprehension
happens at the beginning middle and end of the story isneynoteunrcsetowryit hB“eNgininey oteunr oteunr ”
iRead So ware lay Th kids can’t play o t rent Topic Cycle Progress toward grade level benchmarks r r ) u Number of Students
SERIES 36 • p p p p p 8: Who asks “Can “Can you you help help m4e climb climb up up the the the tall tall tree?”St(uTdenhteNamoelder brothe1r asL
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Marcus Carter Javier Barret
UTrsaeckThsitsuWdDearntitaes'topa:rongerewss ethnroduignhgthteoprtohgeram If students are tracking below grade level you describe what is happening
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5:53 PM
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