Page 14 - Natl Into R Classroom at a Glance 16pp
P. 14

HMH Into Reading makes Balanced Literacy manageable and exible in in the intermediate classroom Grades 3–6 Multi-Genre Text Sets
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The Unbroken Code Code of the Navajo Code Code Talkers by CATHERINE RIPLEY WHiotlreldr iWnvaardIIebdePgoalnanindS TehpeteUmnbiterd1S9t3a9tewsheennteGredrmthaenwy aurnodnerDtehceecmobnetro7l o1f9A4d1o lf whahdenfoJrampaednabnomalblieadnctheewUitShNGaevrmyiannPye arlHarbor Hawaii Atthispoint Japan
It’s August 7 1942 in in the middle of World War II and a a a a huge battle is unfolding oJanpGanueasdeaslcoaldniaelrIslwanatdcihnAthmeePriaccainficMOacreinaens Hroidlldoeunt winirtehefrostmeaomnye jbuantgtlle ptawtrol to the the the next In the the the distance gunfire rattles and bombs blast When the the the Americans are gone the the soldiers creep out to to tap into the the newly laid communication line Both understand English well and and hope to eavesdrop on on what the Americans are planning The first Japanese soldier listens and a a a a a a a a look othfrsouartpyrgisuercgrloessaensdhcislifcakcse THhehsecaorsnadsionlgd-iseornaglso“mlisutmenbslianngd”raencdogsonmizesthatit isn’t English It’s like nothing they’ve ever heard before!
What do they hear? Two Navajo code talkers on on their field telephones The choedateotaf blkaetrtsleeannadblwederAemcreitricalntsotwo icnonminmguthneicwataersinectrheetlPyacnifdics pTehedirilcyoindethe was never broken by the Japanese A
Why Navajo?
The idea for using Navajo code talkers was suggested by the son of a a a a a a missionary Philip Johnston who had grown up on on on on the Navajo Reservation Johnston knew that that Navajo was an an unusual language that that few people outside the the tribe could understand and and he he he also knew how important it was for the the Marines to to be be able to to communicate quickly without using cumbersome
Small Groups and 308
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How Technology Has Changed Communication
WthheaJatpwaansesoestorladniegresahbeoaurdt tohveemr tehsesage clikoemamnyuthninicgathioeyn’dlienve?r h(Tehaerdlabnegfuoareg e) waDsnO’Kt 1 What were the soldiers actually hearing?
(NTahveasjionlga-nsognugagmeu )mbling and clicking of thDeOK 2 TEKS 4 4 4 6G 4 4 4 7C 4 4 4 9D(i) ELPS 2G 2H 2I
What made the Navajo language perfect f(Foerwcopemompleuonuictsaidtientgheserecsrertvamtieosnskangeewsi?t There was no need for cumbersome
codebooks ) TEKS4 6G 4 4 4 7C 4 4 4 9D(i) ELPS2G 2H 2I
Listening Comprehension
Read Aloud
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4:34:33 AM
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Mentor Text Short Read 1 1 Imagineit’s1866 andyourfamilyhasjustarrivedinHouston Texas after a a a a long trip by ship Your grandmother in New York City is anxious to hear from you you So you you pull out paper a a a a a pen and ink ink You You dip the pen nib in in in ink ink and and write a a a a letter by hand You You take it to the post office It will travel on a a a a ship that’s leaving for New York City at the the end of the the week week and and about 2 300 miles and and weeks later your your letter will reach your your grandmother!
2 Fast forward to the present Your family has just arrived in Houston You borrow your mom’s cell phone and text “We made it!” to to your grandmother in New York City along with a a a photo of the Houston skyline She gets your message almost instantly and texts back “Have fun! See you next week!”
Pchearnsgoendatlhecowmayppuetoeprlsework WcamhenatlohnegW itowraldsliWkeiadgeiaWnteb Pcoenonpelectuasendsococimamlmuneicdaitae to to to Timeline of Communications Technology This timeline shows when important communication devices became popular in the United States Thetelegraphsentmessages Thetelephonehasbeen Aftertelevisionwas
B Guided Reading Leveled Libraries
long distances over wires Telegraph operators tapped out messages in Morse code a a system of dots and dashes that stand for letters 1850s
called the greatest invention of the 19th century People no longer had to be in the same room to to talk to to one another!
invented people could see events as they happened Television brought people together to to witness important moments in history
by allowing users to to store and share information over computer networks 1970s 1980s
electronic information library Later it grew to include online stores cat videos and just about anything else imaginable
Email short for electronic mail is a a tool for spehnodtoinsgfdromcumcoemntpsuatenrdto computer It’s a a a a fast easy way to correspond with people anywhere in the world Through blogs websites and apps people share photos and information about their lives 2010s 2000s
Scomaprutperhsotnhaetsaallroewmuisneirs to email search for for information buy things listen to music take photos and and videos—and yes make phone calls DOK 1 T239
Notice & Note 3 Big Questions
Get Curious Video
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DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=TX-A
DONOTEDIT--Changesmustbemadethrough“Fileinfo” CorrectionKey=NL-A •sWinhcoeitnhyirodugrrlaifedeh aEsxepnlainb ledyoutolovebooks?Explain • At what time of day do you experience a a a a a peak in in hunger? Explain • Have you you ever transmitted a a a a a text message? Are you you good at it? Explain • Do you think wildflowers should be plucked or left alone? Explain • What idea might be proposed as a a a a a way of improving your classroom? Explain • How might you influence a a a a friend or classmate to agree with you? Explain Ask Ask students to name a a a a peak experience Ask Ask them if there is a a a a person who has enabled them them to to do their best Ask them them to to ilmiveasgsinigenaifpicatnetnlyt fAorskanthinemvenwthioynathant dco-wulrdittcehnanogteepmeoigphlet sb’e friendlier than a a a a transmitted one What suggestion might be proposed as a a a way to influence the school’s dress code?
Problem Solving
AlopopkilnygTfohrecreluaerseamndanayskdiinffgerfeonr thwelapy sYtoousmoilgvehtpnrotbglemt its risguhcthonasthe first try but it’s important to stick with it it it Solving
problems is a a life skill that helps your brain grow Big Idea Words
Use the the VOCABULARY routine and the the Vocabulary
Cards to introduce the Big Idea Words
broadcast publication blog and correspond You may wish to display the corresponding Vocabulary
Card for each word as you discuss it 1 Say the Big Idea Word 2 Explain the meaning 3 Discuss the context sentence TEKS 4 3B 3B ELPS 3B 3B English Language Support
ALL PROFICIENCIES Display and discuss these Spanish cognates • publication publicación
• blog blog blog blog • correspond correspond corresponder ELPS 1H
304 Module 10 WF588079_IntoR_2018_TX_Pal Mini Sampler_G4_ZPro indd
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304 week’s column 4 4 At the the end of each week week week cGenerative Vocabulary
10 4 4 Read 1860s
In the 1920s everyone wanted a a radio for their living room Families gathered around it to hear a a a news or entertainment broadcast Before the typewriter people wrote letters and other documents by hand The typewriter made writing a book or other lengthy publication much faster Prepare to Read GENRE STUDY Narrative nonfiction gives factual information by telling a a true story
• Authors of narrative nonfiction may organize their ideas using headings headings and subheadings • Texts about events that happened in in the past include real people and may include how they felt about events • Authors of narrative nonfiction may present their ideas in sequential or or chronological order SET
PURPOSE Think about the title and genre of this text What do you know about how people who are hearing impaired communicate? What do you want to learn? Write your ideas below Build Background: Sign Language 1920s Talhloewfeirdstpmeoopbleilteoptahlkonones the the go Starting in in the the 1990s
mobile phones now now known as cell cell (or cellular) phones let people text too DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=NL-A Step 2 Guide students to interact with the Critical Vocabulary
words by discussing questions such as these:
• Name something that has significantly changed in in your life Step 3 • Have students work independently to complete steps 3 and 4 on Vocabulary
Cards 10 10 5–10 12 1 Read the word and its meaning above demonstrated
11:41 PM
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1 1 with CollaboLEraSStOivNe Activities 4 monstr Vocabulary
Cards 44
Teacher’s Guide DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=TX-A
Name Step 1 Introduce the the the Skill 1 1 Take a a a a a a clean sheet of paper Write your name at the the top Then write the the module title 2 2 Create four columns labeled Week Week Week 1 Week Week Week 2 2 Week Week Week 3 and Super Six Big Idea Words
j l 12/28/17
7:35 AM
gestures linguists instinct dem•on•strat•ed(v ) If you you demonstrated
something you you showed how how it is used or done 1significantly Iefnsoumgehthtoinbgecnhoatnicgedssoirginmifpicoartnatnlyt Tthemchoavniegweeisngtroenat
•HavestudentsusetheTURNAND TALKroutinetodiscusswitha •Thinkofagoofyinventionsomeoneshouldpatent Explainwhy partnerthepromptoneach
2 Read this sentence: The ballet instructor demonstrated
the the pose to the the students 3 Use the word demonstrated
in your own sentence 4 Brainstorm other words that come to to mind when you hear the word demonstrated
COLLABORATIVE DISCUSSION In small groups talk about a a a a time when you saw something demonstrated
or have have demonstrated
something to others What have have you demonstrated
to to others? Is it easier to to demonstrate demonstrate something or copy what is demonstrated? Why?
Card 10 24 DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” Grade 4 • • Module 10 • • Week 3 CorrectionKey=TX-A
Have students write sentences about a a a a a a character that plucked something ated
in dd 2 12/28/17
7:35 AM
GENERATIVE VOCABULARY DONOTTEEDITIT--C-Chhaannggeessmuussttbbeemaaddeethththrorouugghh““FFilieleininfofo”” CCoorrerecctititoionnKKeeyy==TTXX-A-A
About Communication
• Determine the the meaning of words with The words in in in in the the chart will help you talk and write about the the selections in in in in this module Which Which words about communication have you seen before? Which Which Super Six Words
3B Generative Vocabulary
10 4 by Charnan Simon
Introduce Critical Vocabulary
Step 1 1 1 Introduce the Words
TEKS 4 3B 3B ELPS 1E 1F 2C
2E 3A 3B 3B 3C 3D Project Display and Engage: Critical VOCABULARY TEKS 4 3B 3B ELPS 1E 1F 2C
2E 3A 3B 3B 3D 3E
T230 Module 10• Lesson 2 2 44
| HMH Into Reading TEXAS
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Academic Vocabulary
P y and Engage: • Identify real-life connections between words and their use DCrIiStiPcLaAl VYoAcaNbDulEaNryG1A0G 2E: Critical Vocabulary
DCoOrrNeOctTioEnDKIeTy--=CNhLa-nAges must be made through “File info” significantly myNotes
10 2 Then use the VOCABULARY routine to introduce the Critical Vocabulary
from The History of Communication
•LdaisncgususamgeanAinsgwsetorqdueevestloiopnsand displaythecorresponding 2enabled sIfigynoiuficarnetelynloanbgledrthtoandoexspoemctetdh ing ing youaregivenachance Vdoiscaubsusliat ryCardforeachwordasyou tinomdoe it it Iwasenabledinmycareerbymyparents whobelieved
• Use newly-acquired vocabulary expressively Critical Vocabulary
10 2A
vocabulary MATERIALS
Display and Engage Critical Vocabuulalaryry10C a2rds 10 10 10 5–10 12 CRITICAL VOCABULARY • significantly (p 313)
• enabled (p 313)
• patent (p 314)
• peak (p 315)
• transmitted (p 315)
• plucked (p 316)
• proposed (p 318) •SPiAnNfluISeHncCeO(GpN 3A2T1E)S
• influence influencia
Ask pairs of students to propose an idea they’d like to patent 3 patent 4 peak Grade 4 | Vocabulary
4re_de_1002_critvocab indd
1 1 Iwf hyouishalvloewaepdattoenmtafkoer oanr sienlvletnhtaitoin vyeonutiaorne tMhyeuoncllyeone owns the the patent for the the world’s first twirling umbrella A
peak is the highest point of something In my neighborhood peak electricity usage occurs in the first week of August Module 10 • Week 1 1 31/01/18
Card ut th hoos
r et o o e e e opic rom the tex ts
you ead in t e e an d cir
cle s c Online
1 Read aloud each word and have students repeat it 2 Read aloud and discuss each word’s student-friendly explanation Vocabulary
Cards 4re_vc_1005_significantly indd
1 1 11/30/17
3:05 PM
t t D ix w ord TEXAS
4 3B use context to determine meaning (nceowntlainugeuda)geE N2CGlLeIaSrHn LnAewNGlaUnAguGaEgPeRstOruFcICtuIEreNsC/eYxpSTreAsNsiDonAsR/DvoSca1bEuilnatreyr n2aEliuzesenseuwpbpaosritct/oaecnahdaenmciec/lcaonngfuiramgeu n1dFeursteaancdcinesgsoibflseploankegnualagnegtuoalgeea rn 3stArupcrtaucrteisc e3sDousnpdesa/kpursoinugnccoinatieont-oafrEenagvloischabwuolardrys 3EBsehxapraenidn/foinrmtearntiaolnizienicnoitoiapleErnagtilvisehlevaorcnainbgulianrtye r3aCctisopnesa k k using a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a variety of grammatical
so i ny s our week ly lis 3 Point out the the the example example for the the the word Have students suggest other examples Student Choice Library
h a a at DISPLAY AND ENGAGE: Generative Vocabulary
Have students draw something that was plucked INTERMEDIATE
Have students complete: I plucked the ADVANCED/ADVANCED HIGH
ELPS 1E 1F 7/21/18 2:52 PM
Review Latin Roots tele port graph Centers
Guided Practice
TEKS 4 3B 3B ELPS 1E 1F 2C
2E 3A 3B 3B 3D Apply
decoding machines or codebooks that could fall into enemy hands B ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY STANDARDS
2imCplleicairtnidneaws/lainfgourmagaetisotnruinctsupreosk/eenxlparnegsusiaognes /2vIodcaebmuolanrsyt ra2tGe luisntdenerinstgacnodmperaenhienngs/iomnaoinf sppooinktesn/dEentgalilsho f f f spoken language 2H understand (continued)
1D speak using learning strategies 1E internalize new basic/academic language © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved VOCABULARY © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company ©Iakov Filimonov/Shutterstock
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved VOCABULARY 14 Greek or Latin that carries meaning • suffix a a a word part added to the end of a a a a base word that changes the meaning of the word 304 4re_se_m10_bi indd
Grade 5 305
word parts changes the meaning 8 7/21/18 12:19 PM
O C 304 2/26/2018
N 4:30:25 AM
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1 12:37 AM
Latin roots tele port graph Add to to the Vocabulary
Network on on on page 305
by writing synonyms antonyms that you think are most important to to the the topic 5 Write a a a a sentence sentence for each of those six words Make sure your sentences words are new to you? dbirsotiandgcuaisth rds
with Latin roots tele port aloud the the the the the text and the the the the the words words words on the the the the the and and related words and and phrases for each wo wo • U on o o After you read each selection in this module come back to the Vocabulary
Network and keep building it Add more ovals if you need to WORD broadcast (noun)
broadcast is is a a a a program or or speech on on the television or or radio A
publication is something that has been printed and made available for sale If you you write a a a a blog you you are writing regular and informal updates or or entries on a a a a website When you you correspond with someone you you exchange letters or emails with that person • CONTEXT SENTENCE
hat you h ( ( ) ) n n n n n n b o o o about how to care for a a a a a a community garden l tabclotigle
ABULARY o o o o b and graph Discuss how they are used as as a a a a basis for many other words Point out the the root and the the other word word parts in each word word Discuss how the the addition of other u u u u og (noun)
l l li ication ) ) correspond (verb)
p ( ( n n Teaching Pal • Point to the the the first word word on on on the the the chart television Model how the the the word word can be Printables Projectable Lessons
broken down and how this process can be used to figure out what the word means means I can recognize the Latin root tele which means means “from a a a a a a distance ” The other part part of the the the word is is vision which means “to see ” When you put the the the parts together you get get “seeing from a a a a distance ” which accurately describes television Use the word in a a a a a sentence such as as “Jack’s dream was to be on on television ” • Continue modeling Latin roots port and graph with other words on on Generative rd abo e w chart Latin Roots tele port graph A
root is a a a a a a a a basic word part usually from Greek or or Latin that carries meaning A
suffix is a a a a a a a word word part added to the the end of a a a a a a a base word word that changes the the meaning of the word The roots tele port and graph are Latin If you know what a a a a a a a root root word means there’s a a a a good chance you’ll be able to figure out the the the meaning of the the the word Rob
ut c s s om a mun graph • U e chart to n n My favorite publication is a a a a a a newspaper that contains stories from local authors L u icati and sentences 7 Now choose six words words from those eighteen words words you think areVmocoastbulary Network important to to to the the the topic Write them in in the the the Super Six column Guide students to to to think about how g o o the structures ert broadcast of the the concert listen ed t t radi The students created a a a a a blog MATERIALS
Generative p 213
tele = at a a a distance television telephone telegraph Grade 4 | Vocabulary
port = carry export import portable
graph = writing biography graphic geography
a o e e e e L tin roots tele port ge Learn new language he DTisplay and Engage clas s s s wa s s a a a ned to correspond with their pen correspond ssig
pals for the the entire school year Vocabulary
10 4 Know It It Show It It INSTRUCTIO
L V 018
2:19 4r 2:19:18 AM
:14 AM
e_tpl_m • root a a a a a basic word part usually from 10_bi ind d d 305
show the the meanings of the the words 6 At the the the the end opfuetehbreclmiecopdautlieio oynou will have eighteen words words 8 Use your Super Six words about the module topic Words
About to write a sum
tich page after each selection to add Comtmthme Suennicsaetsion discuss th th m a a © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved s m m e e t ary o fw
h h e w aveealesa
o o acthrhnew
r r eyod dr eatwehsa
d d d d d s s o o o o o o edcriedl
Network Remind
h h h students to to come back to to this ore wo .
TEKS 4 3B 3B ELPS 3B 3B Printable Communication
of the root word 3/20/2018
Module 10 • Week 1 1 01/02/18
Independent Reading 2/26/20 018
4 rds
n n n t t t 
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