Page 7 - System 44 EL in Research Paper
P. 7

The Resources for Differentiated Instruction (RDI) book is a comprehensive guide that provides teachers with a wide array of resources to deliver differentiated instruction. The RDI includes a collection of targeted phonics and word analysis lessons, plus instructional routines, aligned to the scope and sequence of phonics instruction. Additionally, the RDI presents research, instructional best practices, and tools for the successful implementation of Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), including a Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS).
The Leadership Dashboard provides school and district leaders with transparent visibility into System 44 implementation metrics, and includes the following:
l Data snapshots to view school- or district-wide performance
l Data drill-down into individual school-, class- and student-level data
l Notifications and the Report Scheduler that allow leaders to receive regular notifications on program data
The bilingual System 44 Family Portal, available in English and Spanish, supports the diversity of family members and caregivers invested in the success of System 44 students. The Family Portal includes a wide variety of information and resources to support phonics instruction at home for all families, including students with disabilities and English language learners.
System 44 is proven to help students master the foundational reading skills required for success and includes everything you need to teach foundational reading. The path to the college and career readiness starts here.
System 44 provides educators with a comprehensive suite of both in-person and online professional development.

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