Page 10 - TX Classroom at a Glance
P. 10

 dull
 tell
 quiz
 dell
 Miss Ann will tug the bell  Jeff fills the bus with gas LV 1
Grade 1
• Book 3
Book Projectable Lessons
a DCoOrrNeOctTioEnDKIeTy--=CThXa-nAges must be made through “File info”
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o Blend and Read
 low
 blow
 gray
 sow
oats toad boat roast flow foal bread gain braid stow gloat moat
bow coast stay spray
 Rose and Luke put on raincoats Multi-Genre Text Sets
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BookStix 4 1
minilessons or get up and and and sing and and and dance along to Alphafriends videos and and and songs Get Curious Video
Foundational Skills
Mentor Text Blend and Read
6 Read
Texas Assessment Preparation (Grades 2–5)
Start Right
Reader Start Right
9:55 PM
Blend and Read
8 2 HMH Into Reading Texas makes Balanced Literacy manageable and and and exible in in in the primary
 The children like Snow and Coal classroom Grades 1–2
Grade Grade 1
| Foundational Skills
Module 8 • Week 1
1re_de_0802_blendread indd 1
12/2/17 12:44 AM
Ozzie Octopus
Meet the ALL NEW Alphafriends for for Into Reading Use instructional cards for for whole-group
Small Groups Big Books for for Grades K and and 1
include well-loved trade literature for for shared reading and and literacy activities Stick-on BookStix BookStix for K–2 provide dialogic reading prompts and skills
practice for teachers to use with Big Books Books and Read
Books Books Big Book BookStix myBook
WF375615_IntoR_2018_NLT_Overview_K-2_Broch_SB indd 9 7/6/18
2:13 PM
DCoOrrNeOctTioEnDKIeTy--=CThXa-nAges must be made through “File info”
Blend and Read
DO CorrectionKey=NL-A
Student Choice Library
Grade 1
| Foundational Skills
Module 3
• Week 2 12/2/17 1re_de_0306_blendread indd 1
8:35 PM
odd well pass will yes pen mutt quill
add off miss yell cup wet smell drill
Baseball Hour by Carol Nevius
Interactive Reading p 7 p 9 p 20 p 23 p 31
What do you notice about the words on this page? (DOK 2)
What exercises do do do do the the the players do? Why do do do do they do do do do them? (DOK 2)
What is the job of fielders? pitchers? catchers? (DOK 1)
Who tells a a batter whether or not to run? How do you know? (DOK 2)
How are the players’ arms like a a a a wheel? (DOK 3)
Guided Reading Leveled Libraries
Central Idea
• After reading help children identify the the central idea of the the book • Tell children that the the topic of an informational text is the the person or or thing that that the text text is about Explain that that all informational texts have a a a a a a a a a a central idea idea or or main idea idea that the author wants readers to understand about the the topic Readers
can use details in in the the text or or supporting evidence to figure out the central idea • Turn to p 5 ASK: What is is this book about? FOLLOW-UP: Which details in the words and picture help you answer the question? (DOK 2)
• Review pp 6–9 ASK: How do the the children work together during baseball hour? FOLLOW-UP: Which details in the book help you know this? (DOK 2)
• Reread p 32 ASK: What does the author want you to understand from reading this book? FOLLOW-UP: Which details in in the book book help you figure out the central idea?
(DOK 3)
Get up and move to demonstrate bending stretching circling twisting and jumping jacks on p p 9 Identify the the rhyming words throughout the the book and come up with with other words that rhyme with with them Describe a a a sport or or other skill they have practiced in order to get better at it CHILDREN WILL LOVE TO Grade 1
• • • © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
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0000-HA-1-2re_ssc_owl indd 95 10/23/17
12:04 PM
T--C han Module 4 • Week 1
ges m us tb
ow ou HMH Into Reading | 9 © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt All rights reserved © © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
©Eric Isselée/Shutterstock
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt All rights reserved 10 Digital Foundational Reading Alphafriends® Cards and Videos
• Reading and writing skills
aligned with STAAR
• Write-in Student Book • Teacher’s Edition with Answer Keys Rubrics and Scoring Charts
Independent Reading 
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