Page 26 - Gr5 Dual Lang Imp Gde 36pp
P. 26

InCopy Notes
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Análisis lingüístico contrastivo
La enseñanza del lenguaje dual auténtica
rabbit right rose
victory voice have
dozen zoo
Have students practice the the following song to reinforce the the sound /r/
which does not transfer from Spanish Make sure to associate the the the letter r r r r r r with the the the initial sound in in in row by writing it it it it on the the the board or or showing a a a a letter card before starting the rhyme:
Row row row row row your boat
Gently down the stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily merrily merrily merrily merrily merrily merrily Life is but a a dream Spanish speakers may have
trouble differentiating the the /v/
from the the /b/ sound because there is is is no distinction between those sounds in in Spanish Say pairs of words with b b b b b and and v v v v v such as as ban/van bet/vet lob/love emphasizing the /b/ and and /v/
sounds Ask students to focus on the the difference in your lips when you you say each of the the pairs Have students say and and repeat the the sound Then distribute letter cards for b b and and v Say the the words in random order and and have
students hold up the the card for the the correct letter The sound /z/
does not exist in Spanish so so students may need extra practice to hear it and reproduce it Use sound sound and spelling cards with with images to practice pronouncing words with with the /z/
sound sound Have students repeat the the words at at at first Later on when they are ready for more practice have
students use the words in conversation Sounds Represented by Blends and Digraphs
/ŋ/ something /nk/ bank park /rk/ norm /rm/
/∫/ should show rush
/θ/ think thread ethical
/ð/ them those although
Spanish-speaking students may tend to leave off consonant blends at the end end end of of words which do not exist in Spanish Make sure to to pronounce the end sounds of words clearly and in an an exaggerated way to to promote students’ understanding of the the sounds Encourage children to “keep going” and and prolong the the end sounds of words they are having difficulty with Many Spanish-speaking students are not familiar with with the ∫ sound and may confuse it it it with with the the the closest sound they know in in Spanish which is is /č/ as as in in chair Constantly emphasize the the the difference in in pronunciation between /∫/and /č/ In pairs have
students practice reading to each other pairs of words such as sheep cheap shoes choose shin chin Model the the sound first and emphasize the the difference in the the two sounds Encourage students to pronounce each word slowly Have students practice the the following jingle to reinforce the the sound /θ/ as in in in in in think which does not transfer from Spanish:*
Three Three blind blind mice mice Three Three blind blind mice mice See See how how they they run run See See how how they they run run Have students practice the the following rhyme to reinforce the the sound /ð/ as in in in that which does not transfer from Spanish: This little piggy went to market this little piggy stayed at home this little piggy had popcorn this little piggy had none And this little piggy went Wee wee wee wee wee all the way home InDesign Notes
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