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*This guideline applies to all events, including online/virtual events. *
Title: Campus Musical Programming Guidelines
Responsible staff: Paul Chelsen, Vice President for Student Development Responsible office: Student Development
Campus Musical Programming Guidelines:
All forms of artistic expression should be evaluated with discernment. Since an evaluation of the artistry of any music involves opinions that are not universally held among Christians, the Christian academic community cannot impose blanket judgments regarding the acceptability of musical forms. However, those who must make decisions about musical content should find the following criteria useful in their decisions:
Criteria for Music Presentations at Wheaton College:
• Musical programming on campus should be instructive, uplifting, and in agreement with the Christian values of the institution. Most music, which is simply entertaining, fits into this category.
• Lyrics should not be offensive, should enhance the personal development of Christian values, and should be in agreement with the Community Covenant.
• Evaluation of musicians invited to campus should include both their reputation and the excellence of their performance.
• Choreography, when used, should be tasteful and appropriate.
• Bringing an artist to campus exposes the audience to the artist’s worldview. It should be
determined whether this view would be beneficial and/or constructive to the listeners.
• Wheaton College has an obligation to encourage and foster the development of its own musicians
by making available to them opportunities to be heard. Their content and performance should
adhere to the same high standards of excellence.
• All playlists for college sponsored dances must go through the Student Engagement Playlist
Committee. Please contact the Director of Student Activities to inquire about the process.
College Union’s Role in Musical Programming:
Responsible staff: Peter Hansen, SAO Director Responsible Office: SAO
• College Union is the only student organization on campus that has permission to host guest artists for the purpose of campus-wide concerts. This is due to their programming experience, purpose, funding and access to vendors. Permission for other organizations to host or produce concerts may be granted by the Director of Student Activities for a special or unique situation.
• College Union has priority in hosting coffeehouses as well as exclusive use of the Stupe and the Crossroads Lounge. Other groups on campus are welcome to have musical elements in their programming, but these elements require additional approval from the Director of Student Activities.
• College Union or its concerts cannot be used as a means to raise funds for a specific organization or group. There are other ways of fundraising than through a concert.