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*Film showings must be done online and follow all applicable guidelines. In person showings are only permitted on a case by case basis, for permitted in-person groups. *
Title: Film Showing Procedures
Responsible staff: Wheaton College Video Coordinator at the Buswell Library Circulation Desk Responsible office: Buswell Library
Film Showing Procedures:
Films—movies, documentaries, etc.—are protected by Federal Copyright laws. Copyright laws govern not only the copying of a film, but also whether and under what conditions it may be used. Film showings (viewings, as well as the advertising) must comply with these laws.
• Private showings, meaning those to which you invite only a small, intimate circle of friends to watch a film with you in your residence hall or other living space, are permitted by copyright law as long as no admission fee is charged and there is no advertising for the showing.
• Public showings are those to which more than a small circle of friends are invited; for example, the campus community at-large or the members of a particular department or club. For public showings, copyright law makes a distinction between those which are primarily educational in purpose and those which are primarily for entertainment. If the purpose of a film showing is primarily educational, it may be possible to show the film without getting permission from the copyright owners, provided certain guidelines are followed. If the purpose of a film showing is primarily entertainment, permission must be obtained from the copyright owners, and it may be necessary to pay a “public performance rights” fee to the copyright holder. If permission is not granted, the film cannot be shown.
If a student led club wishes to show a film publicly, we must submit a Film Showing and Copyright Permission Request Form to the Wheaton College Video Coordinator at the Buswell Library Circulation Desk. This form is available in the Student Activities Office and at the Circulation Desk at Buswell Library. The Video Coordinator will review the plan for the film showing, determine whether permissions are needed, and advise students regarding compliance with film and advertising copyright regulations. For this reason, it is necessary that the form be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance of the planned showing date, and preferably earlier.
All public film showings must be approved by the Video Coordinator and should not be advertised until the Video Coordinator has contacted the organizer of the showing to confirm that approval. The Video Coordinator may be contacted by e-mail at or by phone at x5620. The college’s copyright compliance policy is available on the Intranet at
Please Note: Inviting a professor to lead a discussion before or after a film showing does not automatically turn entertainment into education. Always submit the permission form well in advance of a showing so the Video Coordinator can provide guidance.