Page 35 - Demo
P. 35

• Groups are responsible for hanging from the ceiling using the installed hooks and for any items left as part of the display.
• The display should not impede traffic patterns in CPO and be contained to a 6 ft. x 4 ft area.
• Be thoughtful about leaving anything for display that you don’t want to “walk”.
Display Tables:
Two tables across from Sam’s and three in the CPO area are available for booking through the SAO front desk. The tables are numbered and reserved on a first come, first served basis.
• Tables can be reserved for three days within a week.
• Please call or stop by the SAO to cancel a reservation if you will not be using a table.
• Only current students/faculty/staff can reserve the display tables.
• If a group chooses to display a poster behind their table, it must be approved by the Student
Activities Office and hung with plastitak or on the cork strip.
• If a group chooses to play music or show a video as part of their display, they must be respectful
of other groups around them and work out an arrangement so that the noise level is appropriate.
• Complete displays must be removed by the end of the last reserved day.
• Individuals who wish to do campus fundraising for special interest projects or causes should clear
their projects and planning with Crystal Cartwright, Associate Director of Student Activities.
• Clubs that wish to do club fundraising must clear their projects through Crystal in the Student
Activities Office.
• Outside organizations (job recruiters, mission organizations, etc.) should go through CVC to
reserve the table next to Sam’s.
Residence Halls:
Priority is given to Residence Hall events first. Student organizations and College departments may, however, post signs in the primary posting area in each building once their posters have been approved by the Student Activities Office. Organizations must remove signs within 24 hours following the program or activity date. Ticket sales in residence halls for campus events is subject to the discretion of Residence Life staff.
Personal Advertisements:
The random ads that people want to post can go on one board in the lower level of the Beamer Center—in the alcove across from the women’s restroom. These would include:
• Personal advertisements listing items for sale, services, rides, or other “wanted” items, etc. These must be approved by the Student Activities Office and are restricted to designated bulletin boards in the Beamer Center and a bulletin board on the 2nd floor of the Billy Graham Center.
• Housing advertisements (sale, rent, roommates needed, etc.) are posted on the Wheaton website. Contact the Housing Office in Student Development for more information.
Outdoor Advertising:
• Must first be approved by the SAO.
• No display may be put on front campus, in front of Edman Chapel, or in the fountain area.
• A series of stakes with signs may be put along the campus walks.

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