Page 52 - Demo
P. 52

Scheduling Procedures: Events for just your student group:
• Smaller events for just your Student Group don’t require approval from the Event Coordination Council. These requests can be processed more quickly. Please allow at least 5 business days to have your request processed.
• Login to 25Live using the account provided and submit an event request.
• The SAO will review the request and—once approved—forward it on to scheduling services for final approval. (Note: The SAO approval process may require an in-person consultation with an
SAO staff member.)
• If Scheduling Services has questions about the event, they will contact the student requestor
and/or the SAO staff member who oversees the Student Group.
• Scheduling Services will send an electronic confirmation once the event has been scheduled and
Scheduling Procedures: All Events:
• Individual or groups of students may not reserve space on campus unless they are chartered or registered as an official campus club or organization. If a student needs to reserve a space on campus for a class, the event must be sponsored and submitted by the Academic Department or Professor.
• If the requested room needs a special set-up, please indicate this in the space provided on the 25Live event request form.
• All set-ups must be submitted to Scheduling Services at least two weeks prior to the approved event.
• Once it is approved, the Facilities Management, Public Safety, and other service providers are notified of your reservation and its details. They will see that your room is unlocked and set-up according to the specifications on the form.
• The STUDENT requestor personally must contact Media Resources or Bon Appétit if their services are needed. Most departments require two weeks’ notice and will charge your club or organization for the cost of labor.
• If an event must be cancelled, contact the Scheduling Services Office immediately. Facilities Management may charge for labor if 24 hours’ notice is not given.
• If you are planning to use Smart Desk equipment, please indicate that on the request form. Some Smart Desk’s require a key to operate. Your confirmation will indicate if you need a key. You will need to arrange to pick up the key from Facilities Management in the Chase Service Center.
• Most musical equipment is the property of the Conservatory. Conservatory faculty and staff may request these resources for their events. Permission needs to be given by the Conservatory for the use of their equipment by other campus departments. Please indicate on your request form in the comments section that you have obtained permission and from whom.
• Tents- Permits need to be obtained by the City of Wheaton. (Allow plenty of time for this process.) Contact Purchasing for a vendor. The Grounds Crew foreman needs to approve the tent site and installation. Schedule or be sure the tent vendor schedules J.U.L.I.E to mark underground cables.
• A podium is a box you stand on. A lectern is stand used to support a book or script in a convenient position for a standing reader or speaker. Please make sure to request the correct piece when coordinating your set-up!
Supplies and Equipment:

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