Page 41 - Home Guide Winter 2018/19
P. 41

 Fun Family Activity:
January is a new beginning. Many people will make new year resolutions (many they won’t keep) as a way to start off the year. As a family, sit down and come up with some achievable goals. Let everyone have input. Then decide on a few to do. Put reminders in your house of your goals. Below are some examples:
-We will read through the whole Bible as a family. -We will eat dinner at the table twice a week. -We will have a family game night once a month with no electronics.
-We will serve as a family in some activity once a month.
These are just an example. Have your kids come up with some creative ones and make some lifelong memories.
Each night take 5 minutes to pray together. Below is a few special requests:
-Pray for the new year, that your family will bring glory to God
-Ask God what areas of service could He use your family
-Pray for the staff at Oak View as they begin a new year.


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