Page 15 - Autumn Lineup 2019
P. 15

   Mystic Britain
10 x 60’, 2019, 4K
  On March 14, 2018, the B-17 bomber Memphis Belle rolled out of a hangar in Dayton Ohio, reviving memories of the aircraft that turned the tide of the air war over Europe during World War II. Seventy-five years ago, this plane, and thousands of B-17s like it, symbolized the offensive power of the U.S. Army Air Forces. The B-17 was the bomber that took the war to Nazi Germany, buoyed the spirit of America, and by 1945 made possible the Allied victory in Europe. On May 16, 2018, after more than ten years spent renovating it, and 75 years after its last mission, the Memphis Belle is re-introduced as the centre piece of an exhibit at the National Museum of the U.S. Airforce. At last, this restored Flying Fortress assumes its rightful place as a symbol of America’s military prowess, a tribute to the many thousands who served, and over 26,000 men who gave their lives in defense of freedom.
‘Nefertiti: The Lonely Queen’ looks at the status of cultural treasures taken from their country of origin. Voices demanding repatriation are getting stronger - the resistance of the former Colonial powers holding on to these cultural cornerstones grows accordingly. Museum directors talk about why their institution is the rightful owner and custodian of certain objects. People demanding repatriation explain the necessity of guarding their cultural heritage in an accessible place in the home country.
Over Britain’s tens of thousands of years of civilization, its history has played host to a series of strange and mysterious rituals, events, and cultures. British talk show host Clive Anderson and anthropologist Mary-Ann Ochota travel across the U.K. to explore the sacred sites and supernatural beliefs of the ancient Britons. By examining their mystic places and practices, they hope to unlock the secrets of their ancestors and better understand the worlds in which they lived.
Blink Entertainment/Smithsonian Networks
Discover a friendship between two controversial firebrands from the Sixties, British Marxist and anti-Vietnam war protester, Tariq Ali, and America’s black power advocate, Malcolm X. They first meet in December 1964, where Malcolm spoke about black separatism at a debate at Oxford University. With actual footage of Malcolm’s speech, and his own personal memories, Ali looks back at their friendship and retraces Malcolm X’s steps in Britain, France, Africa, and the Middle East and discovers how travel changed Malcolm’s previous advocacy of black separatism and the right of black Americans to use force to defend themselves. The rarely seen Oxford debates shows Malcolm condemning continuing black segregation in the US and drawing attention to the parlous state black Americans were in, in their own country.
Memphis Belle
1 x 60’, 2019, 4K
Smithsonian Networks
  Markell Production/Heretic/Films Transit
TVT Production/Smithsonian Networks
When Tariq Ali Met Malcom X
1 x 60’, 2019, HD
 Nefertiti: The Lonely Queen
3 x 60’ or 1 x 90’, 2019, HD

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