Page 15 - History 2020/2021
P. 15

   This remarkable film explores the poignant stories of descendants of the Nazis, as they confront their family’s past. Interviews with individuals whose family members were supporters of the Nazi regime reveal a common desire to distance themselves from the actions of their ancestors. But while the sins of the father should not be visited on the son, is their past too dark to wash away?
SD Cinematografica
In the 1930s, a black postal worker from Harlem named Victor Green published a book that would become part travel guide and part survival guide. The Negro Motorist Green Book helped African-Americans navigate safe passage well into the 1960s, and also served as a catalyst for new businesses. Explore some of the segregated nation’s safe havens and notorious “sundown towns” and witness stories of struggle and indignity as well as opportunity and innovation.
Impossible Factual/Smithsonian Networks
This is the Vietnam war story you’ve never heard before. The US army’s gun truckers were the elite: first into battle, first into enemy territory, and always volunteers. The truckers were tasked with leading and protecting the convoys - groups of men, vehicles, equipment and supplies - that were the lifeblood of the army throughout Vietnam. We turn back the clock and explore this remarkable, and amazingly unknown, story.
Be a witness to an idyllic time in aviation history. 70 years ago the only way to travel was by airship. Giant gas-filled balloons romanced the publics imagination and became the height of luxury for long-distance air travel. In this film you’ll find yourself aboard the Graf Zeppelin and one of the largest aircraft ever built, the Hindenburg.
Fiveson Entertainment/Smithsonian Networks
In a remote region high on the Tibetan Plateau lies a forgotten kingdom whose extraordinary archaeological treasures rival Pompeii. For seven centuries this was the hub of the gold and spice trade between India and China. For two centuries, it was the cradle of Buddhism, yet it vanished without trace in 1630. What happened to Guge – Lost Kingdom of Tibet?
Bang Productions/MDA of Singapore/France 5/ Discovery Asia Networks/Off the Fence
Hell below charts the stealth game of subsea warfare, tracking the dramatic narrative from contact to attack of the greatest submarine patrols of WWII and the Cold War. From the rise of the Wolfpack to the drive for victory in the Pacific and the cat and mouse games between the NATO and Soviet block. Expert analysis and stock footage are woven with narrative driven re-enactments to place the characters at the heart of the action.
    Austin Street Productions/Smithsonian Networks
Parallax Film Productions
The Ghosts Of
The Third Reich
1 x 60’, 2012, HD
 The Golden Age Of Zeppelins
1 x 30’, 2007, HD
  The Green Book: Guide To Freedom
1 x 60’, 2019, 4K
Guge: Lost Kingdom of Tibet
1 x 60’, 2006, HD
  Gun Trucks Of Vietnam
1 x 60’, 2017, HD
Hell Below
12 x 60’, 2016-2018, HD

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