Page 34 - Nature & Wildlife 2020/2021
P. 34

     The dunes of the Namib Desert, the oldest on earth, extend inland for some sixty miles and stretch for three hundred miles along the South West African coastline. In this hostile landscape, a community of animals evolved which can live in its constantly shifting sands. Survival in such an uncompromising environment has intrigued scientists for years.
Partridge Films
Of all the countries of Africa there is one that wears a crown for wildlife: Namibia. But now properties and industries are slowly swallowing the land where Namibia’s wild animals roam. Poaching is also on the rise. With the threats comes hope: Namibian government experts, biologists and scientists have joined forces to develop simple, innovative strategies to stop the tide of destruction. Black rhinos, African elephants and cheetahs play major roles in this endeavour.
Terra Mater Factual Studios/Cosmos Factory Filmproduktion/ National Geographic Channel
We have a fascinating and occasionally surreal relationship with animals and plants. This film explores examples of these relationships, areas where human and the natural world meet in surprising ways! What are we able to learn from nature? How can nature profit from our existence? And who needs who to survive? From lifeforms on and in our bodies, to caretakers of nature; a human-nature connection exists throughout our lives, and we’ll explore it all in ‘A Natural Affair’.
In this series, natural and cultural aspects of Namibia are documented thoroughly. From Namib, the oldest desert on the planet to the Great Fish River, the worlds second largest canyon, some of the planets most dramatic landscapes are covered in this series. Rare species such as wild dogs and pangolins are documented as well as the Himba and the ancient Bushman (San) who have been living in this region for at least 30,000 years.
BBA Broadband Films
Sand dunes a 1,000 feet high, shimmering mirages and scorching temperatures – these are the deserts of northern Namibia. A remarkable diversity of life can be found in the sand rivers that dissect the desert dunes. Elephants, giraffes, lions and baboons defy this inhospitable place, but all the desert life in Namibia is dependent on the rain. In some years it never arrives – and every creature of the sand rivers awaits its fate.
Terra Mater Factual Studios/Mark Birkhead Associates
Join Nature Today’s energetic and inquiring team of naturalists as they travel from Tanzania to Namibia to Madagascar discovering the awe-inspiring wildlife and wonders of the natural world.
1 x 60’, 1980, SD
Namibia Diaries
8 x 30’, 2018, 4K
    Namibia: Sanctuary Of Giants
1 x 60’, 2016, HD
Namibia’s Desert Kingdom
1 x 60’, 2013, 4K
     A Natural Affair: The Human/
Nature Connection
1 x 60’, 2020, HD
 Nature Today
26 x 30’, 2004, HD
 Terra Mater Factual Studios
Homebrew Films for MNET
Nature & Wildlife

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