Page 22 - Canby Rodeo Program 2021
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The 2020/2021 Clackamas County Fair and Canby Rodeo Court has finally been able to spread the word about our Fair and Rodeo all over Oregon. They
travel roughly 5000 miles attending parades, rodeos, luncheons, and other appearances inviting people to come to Canby, OR, from August 17-21, 2021. It gives them great pride in showing people everywhere just how important it is to represent a great family Fair and Rodeo, and the western way of life. Watch for them around the Fairgrounds and in the Arena all week.
In October of 2019, Nicole Aydt, Marlee James, and Alexa Wacker competed for a position on the Royal Court. Little did they know it would turn into a two-year obligation due to a world pandemic. The competition includes a rodeo knowledge test, a 3-minute memorized speech, impromptu questions, a horsemanship test on their horses, as well as on a draw horse, and interview questions from a panel of judges. Out of the five competitors Nicole won the position of Queen and was joined by Princess Marlee and Princess Alexa. They were able to have their Coronation Auction the following March just before everything shut down and events started getting cancelled. 2020 quickly became an empty shell and the ladies were asked
if they would be willing to stay on as the 2021 Court. They happily said yes and fortunately they have able to fulfill the excitement of being on the Canby Rodeo Court as life opened up in 2021!! Fortunately, their generous Sponsors also stayed on for 2021.
If you are interested in trying out for the Clackamas County Fair & Canby Rodeo Court, watch the Canby Rodeo website and the Clackamas County Fair & Canby Rodeo Court Facebook page for announcements of when applications are available and due. The tryouts for the 2022 Court will be held on October 30, 2021, at the Clackamas County Fairgrounds.
QUEEN NICOLE AYDT Nicole Aydt was born and raised in Astoria, Oregon to
parents Cathy and Brian Aydt. She attended Astoria High School and graduated as the Salutatorian of her class in 2013. During High School she was involved in volleyball, Business Leaders of Tomorrow, National Honor Society, and was a 5-time competitor on the Clatsop County State Equestrian Team. For 8 years she participated in Horse 4-H where she learned
August 17-21, 2021, 63rd Annual
public speaking, various horsemanship skills, and
held club offices. Nicole attended Seattle University for one year, received her Associates Degree from Clatsop Community College, and went on to attend Oregon State University where she not only received her Bachelor of Science, but went on to achieve a Master of Science in Kinesiology with a focus on Physical Education. While attending OSU, she was involved with the Oregon State Intercollegiate Horse Show Association and a member of the Agricultural Sorority, Sigma Alpha. At just 26 years of age, Nicole has entered her 4th year of teaching. She currently works with the Seaside School District as a Middle School Physical Education teacher. On her very limited days off Nicole enjoys being outside kayaking, hiking, riding horses, spending time with friends and family, and of course, attending rodeos. When asked why
she wanted to be a part of the Clackamas County
Fair & Canby Rodeo Court, she said: “My goal with representing the Canby Rodeo is to create a positive image of rodeo throughout the state. Education of
our sport and events is important to creating growth and encouraging more people to want to participate and spectate. It is important that while we continue
to educate adults, that we create an atmosphere
for children to dream. By creating a platform of encouragement and education, I believe we can create a community full of future dreamers to carry on our sport.”
“What an incredible experience this one has been so far! Patience is something I’m not super good at so being asked to wait a year for this journey to begin was definitely a hard one. Spending as much time filling my days with wishes for the coming year and time with friends was wonderful but finally being able to really experience it all firsthand has been amazing. I’d have to say my favorite memory thus far would be our time at Crooked River Round-Up. While I don’t think
I can pinpoint an exact memory that was the best, I’d have to say getting to meet and listen to Miss Rodeo America speak was truly incredible. That along with the amazing crowds cheering during our hot laps would have to be the highlights so far. I am so excited and ready for Canby Rodeo to kick off and the 5 days of fun and memories that will follow!”
Marlee James is the 20 year old daughter of Robert and Launa James out of Gaston, Oregon. She has been riding horses since she was 4 years old and when she entered 4th grade she did what many young girls do and joined Horse 4-H. She participated and competed for 9 years and has volunteered
as an adult for 2 years. Marlee achieved the Dad Potter 3-step Award, which is no small feat in the world of Horse 4-H. While