Page 1 - Plan _Element2_Ortiz A.
P. 1
Ambato, La Península.
December 10th, 2018
At 4:00 pm.
Who will get it
What do you need to get
done at the event? done?
-My mom will be watching
that all the guests can sit
-Set the room for the guests. down.
-An agenda of activities
-My sister is skilled with
-A person who speaks during technology, she will check
the event.
the music during the event.
-Check the sound system -My boyfriend will be
pressing the agenda during
the event.
What do you need to get
done before the event? Who will get it done?
-Send announcements -My father will help me look
and invitations. for the microphone and the
-Set up the projector -My friend makes invitations
to share photos by hand, she will help me by
- A microphone handing out the guests days
before the event.