Page 4 - WTM Cities Report
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The current travel industry continues to thrive, despite a great number of obstacles. Travel bans, terrorist attacks, closing borders and mass ooding have all a ected destinations, but people continue to travel. This report touches on a wide variety of travel trends, from fast-paced innovations set to disrupt the travel industry, to the slow progress of opening borders and improving connectivity.
You will notice that this year’s report is di erent from the 11 that have come before. In an e ort to provide more context around the Global Travel Trends that have been so popular over the years, Euromonitor International's Top 100 City Destinations Ranking has been integrated into this report to provide a more holistic view of the travel industry today and
tomorrow. City destinations are at the forefront of tourism growth and innovation, but also deal with major challenges around overcrowding and mobility. Many of the travel trends discussed in this report are borne out of the opportunities and challenges that cities face.
Wouter Geerts
Senior Travel Analyst Euromonitor International
Nadejda Popova
Travel Project Manager Euromonitor International
Caroline Bremner
Head of Travel Euromonitor International
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