Page 91 - WTM Cities Report
P. 91

De nitions
International arrivals by city includes visitors from abroad who arrive at the city under review as their  rst point of entry, and also includes those visitors to the city who arrived in the country via a di erent point of entry, but then go on to visit the city in question during their trip.
Arrivals refers to international tourists, i.e. any person visiting another country for at least 24 hours, for a period not exceeding 12 months, and staying in collective or private accommodation. Each arrival is counted separately and includes people travelling more than once a year and people visiting several countries during one holiday. Domestic visitors are excluded. This encompasses all purposes of visit, such as business, leisure and visiting friends and relatives.
Euromonitor International’s arrivals  gures
exclude same-day visitors, people in transit
and cruise passengers as this can distort arrival  gures at important border crossings and cruise destinations, respectively. It also excludes those in paid employment abroad. Students that stay in a country for a period of more than 12 months are excluded and are considered as temporary residents. Military personnel and transportation crew are excluded, along with displaced people because of war or natural disasters.
The ranking focuses on city hubs and tends to exclude beach and ski resorts that may enjoy high volumes of international visitors.
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