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Our Master of Theology (M.Th) Degree Program is designed to train young men and women for the varied ministries of the church, especially for teaching min- istry and advanced study in the field of Theology and related disciplines. It is a two-year residential program offered for Theological graduates (B.D/M.Div) from
a recognized university/college. It is an accredited program by the Asia Theo- logical Association and is offered in four branches: Old Testament, New Testament, Christian Theology, and Mission Studies.
       Anu Joy Mathew C. K. Phutung Phom D. Nekhini
 Donsaba Panmei G. Daiva Sampath H. Aviho Chishi
 Parul Kuruvilla Sachit Minz Sheena Oommen
     First Year Master of Theology

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