Page 50 - Niyog2021_US
P. 50

To Whom Will Your Soul Run?
by N. Haokip, Bachelor of Divinity Fourth Year
 In the informa- tion age there is no short-
age of perspectives. Newscasts, blogs, radio, movies, television, newspapers and opinion polls constantly assail us with how we should feel and think about all kinds of issues, from morning till we go to bed.
I love the reminder of God’s word about how we aren’t to be anxious about ANYTHING! The Psalmist so beauti- fully puts forward in Psalm 46:1 that God is our refuge and strength in the face of adverse situations . In this scripture God Himself made the idea of refuge impor- tant by asking Moses to establish “cities of refuge” (Num . 35:11-13) . How do we understand the term refuge?
Denielle Bernock defines refuge as:
• Shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc .
• A place of shelter, protection, or safety
• Anything to which one has recourse for aid, relief, or escape
Why did God ask Moses to estab- lish these cities of refuge? It is because He is well aware that we human beings are fragile, sinful and weak . He knows that we are surrounded by uncertainties of life, problems, pains, sorrows, suffer- ings, despair, anxieties, confusions and we cannot go through life on our own . We need help and refuge . When we are tossed and torn by the facts of this life, we can have satisfaction and peace that surpasses all understanding, only by run- ning to Him alone .
Sometimes, our heart is pressed down by looking at the circumstances we are in . Scattered words and empty thoughts pour out from our hearts, and our hearts
feel numb . Things we hold so dear, we are asked to let it go . We never felt so torn before, and we don’t know where to start . TO WHOM WILL YOUR SOUL RUN for refuge?
The one place you can go to, is His arms . You can throw to Him your feeble prayers . In brokenness, in spite of all the questions, you can still give your life to Him, even if it doesn’t turn out the way you think it should . Always remember His ways are higher than yours . You will be able to see that this was His will for your life, as Jeremiah 29:11 says, “for I know the plans I have for you” declare- WWs the Lord “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future .” And running to Him will sat- isfy your soul and you will feel fulfilling because you know that He is empathiz- ing with you .
The sufferings and pains of COVID 19 and lockdown might get over soon, but my dear ones, I want to tell you, this may not be the end . We might ex- perience such pains and sufferings even in future just as the Holy Bible predicts (Matt . 24:3-14; 2 Tim . 3:1-5) . When we overcome one mountain there may be another higher mountain to climb . What is important here is to ask: TO WHOM WILL YOUR SOUL RUN? Always re- member where there is no peace on this earth there is peace in Christ .
If you are submerged in pain, sorrow, despair, anxiety, confusion etc, in this season of your life, maybe you need to give your soul a good talk . What will you say? Where will you turn when the world seems crumbling around you? Don’t let your thoughts run wild, Watch! You are not alone in this; Follow the Psalmist’s lead and RUN TO GOD, who wants to be your refuge and strong tower . n

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