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Race 8 and 9 - The100th Midnight Race and Isle of Man to Dun Laoghaire Offshore Race
Aurelia won the 100th edition of the Midnight Race and Jackknife won race 9 back to Dun Laoghaire utilising an offshore finish gate. Below is a brief is a history of this iconic race
The Isle of Man Midnight race has a proud heritage, which will be celebrating its 100th race in 2019.
At the first Isle of Man Midnight race many distinguished guests attended including The Lord Mayor of Wirral. Ever since then we have continued the practice of inviting the Lord Mayor of Wirral to be at the race start. The Mayor passes a letter of fraternal greeting to the mayor of the host city of Douglas, via the LYC Race Officer, which gets passed at the results announcement
at Douglas Bay Sailing Club.
We now also as a matter of courtesy invite the Lord Mayor of Liverpool to the start of the race as it is started from LYC’s International Start Line at the Albert Dock.
The overall winner of the race receives The Grand Challenge Trophy; a magnificent cup, one of only four in existence, one other being given to the winner of the Australian Open Tennis Championship, (it would be great if one year Andy Murray could win it, we could have a real scoop on our hand showing the winner of the Midnight Race and him at Tranmere!) another being in the museum at Southport.

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